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Where to watch "Shark Men"

10. Hammered

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9. Killing Zone

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Though the team finally adds hammerheads to their list of tagged shark species, there's little celebration aboard the mother ship. The relentless pace of work is wearing some of the men down and tensions flare within both the science and angling teams.

8. Mission Critical

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The Shark Men race against time to tag as many sharks as possible in one of the most notorious shark finning regions in the world.

7. Trouble in Paradise

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The Shark Men push into a new and danger-filled corner of Cocos Island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, an area at the center of the shark finning industry.

6. A Whale of a Tiger

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The men are tired, tense and determined to succeed but the window is fast closing. One more tiger shark and 3 more silvertips are desperately sought before they need to pull anchor and leave the region.

5. Coming Unglued

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At the Revillagigedo Islands off Mexico's western coast, the tally for tagged sharks is rising but so are tensions among the men.

4. Tiger Bait

2012 - Season 3

After a long period of frustration, modified tackle brings the crew success. Two female tiger sharks, Sharon and Lizzie, are added to the tally.

3. Tiger Escape

2012 - Season 3

The Shark Men are challenged as never before. They hook two giant tiger sharks, but their sheer power catches them off guard.

2. Hammerhead Islands

No release date yet

After anchoring at Socorro, one of the four islands that make up the Revillagigedos archipelago, the Shark Men catch their first male of the expedition - a 6 foot-foot silky shark.

1. Tagging Tigers

2012 - Season 3

The crew are joined by a fresh science team and face new challenges as they track tiger sharks in the Revillagigedo Islands.

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