21. Season 1, Episode 21

2013 - Season 1

HAP and her colleagues follow PUI to a warehouse. Refusing to be arrested, PUI jumps from the height and dies. HAP tells YAT about PUI's story and what she said before she jumped to death. YAT writes about PUI's tragedy and commends HAP in his newspaper. The first issue of One Newspaper proves to be a success.

20. 第20集 - 星佩將俠 困在車內

2013 - Season 1

NI tells YAT at a bar that PETER is seeing another girl. She requests that YAT go back to her but he turns her down politely. Nonetheless, she invites him to go watching the stars with her. SIS SHAP dashes for the studio to tell NAM off as soon as she has found out that he is working as a cheongsam consultant.

19. 第19集 - A1霏俠 承認戀情

2013 - Season 1

PO protracts the divorcing procedure by refusing to sign the documents. By doing so, HAP points out, she is also torturing herself. Angry pregnant women take to the streets. One of them goes into labor in the middle of the protest. Seeing this, PO decides to be candid with HONG. SIS SHAP has won an Outstanding Woman Award. KIU attends the award presentation ceremony.

18. 第18集 - 霏俠A1 化敵為友

2013 - Season 1

With a view to taking care of WAI, KIU takes a leave of absence but he does not seem to appreciate her kind intention. As OI is afraid of knives, LEE SIR suspends her from work temporarily for a psychological assessment. CHI is glad that his job is spared. OI's attack makes him ashamed of himself.

17. 第17集 - 要求愛愛 報告作假

2013 - Season 1

YAT witnesses HUNG jumping down a building. HAP does not know whether to laugh or cry when he blames cowardice for the tragedy. YAT has received massive complaints. SUN demands him to resign, but he suggests MR. TIN to do HUNG a justice as a sales gimmick. MIKI decides to transfer to another unit so as to avoid working with PO.

16. 第16集 - 垃圾房裡 尋舊信件

2013 - Season 1

YAT has caught "POLICE HEADACHE". His courage and quick-wittedness, as well as his exclusive about "POLICE HEADACHE" win the applause of his colleagues. PO applies to transfer to the Tango Team. HAP joins her for fear she would pick up a fight with MIKI. YAT sees his late father's wooden box as he is helping OI move.

15. 第15集 - 揭發私情 掌摑美琪

2013 - Season 1

HAP and OI got injured at work. As LAM needs to cook for them, he refuses to return to the studio to alter cheongsams. SIS SING is currently working at two movies, one as a procuress and the other a spy. She therefore tells YAT to cook for HAP. SIS SHAP returns home early. YAT and HAP help NAM avoid her.

14. 第14集 - 吉星霏俠 屢助慧星

2013 - Season 1

SIS SING knocks over an ashes urn as she is filming a movie. Make-up artist BROTHER SHUI tells her she will have a year of bad luck and that only a woman who was born in the Year of the Goat can help her change the course of the year. MR. TIN takes the anniversary feature very seriously.

13. 第13集 - 子傳成功 追求司徒驕

2013 - Season 1

NAM works as a cheongsam consultant for a movie on the sly. HAP thinks he should let SIS SHAP know. An extra takes photos of SIS SING changing clothes secretly. HAP confiscates his camera as she finds out about it. HAP bickers with YAT again as they run into each other. She demands that he excludes her from the Top Ten Crazy Women Show, claiming she will make open SIS SING's video clip if he fails to do so.

12. 第12集 - 破壞A1 示愛大計

2013 - Season 1

TSUEN and KIU get along very well. Feeling that she and TSUEN have totally different values and interests, she proposes a split-up. Everybody finds KIU's new image dazzling. While KIU is antsy to know that HAP and TSUEN have broken up, YAT is happy. TSUEN feels better when he thinks of KIU, who shares similar interests with him.

11. 第11集 - A1自言 暗戀霏俠

2013 - Season 1

NO is worried that she will be transferred to another unit. She is relieved when KIU confess to having underestimated the difficulties frontline officers have. HAP and her colleagues are getting together. She invites KIU to join them. TSUEN invites HAP to a dance. It is obvious to HAP that they are not in step. NI has broken up with her boyfriend.

10. 第10集 - 嘴染粉末 霏俠搜A1

2013 - Season 1

NGAN's husband faints when he learns that his illness has driven NGAN to prostitution. HAP accuses YAT of hurting others' feelings for the sake of securing an exclusive. HAP has deleted the clip on KIU. NING and NO therefore believe she does not trust them and that all she wants is to please KIU.

9. 第9集 - 子傳指驕 恩將仇報

2013 - Season 1

HAP tells YAT off for taking NAM to visit a prostitute. YAT has no choice but to tell her the truth. NAM has been injured. HAP and YAT take him to the hospital. When they leave, they see a woman trying to jump down a building. YAT manages to persuade the woman into changing her mind. His speech touches HAP.

8. 第8集 - 鎮男慘被 當作嫖客

2013 - Season 1

SIS SING can see that TSUEN has a crush on HAP. With the help of YAT, she is going to stop TSUEN from going any further. TSUEN teaches HAP ice-skating. His former girlfriend ANGEL turns up suddenly and calls HAP "mid-age girl". HAP leaves in anger. Later, HAP discovers that ANGEL is paid by YAT to do so.

7. 第7集 - 玲瓏霏俠 關係被揭

2013 - Season 1

OI and YAT have buried the hatchet. She thanks HAP for his mediating. Although OI and YAT have reconciled with each other, he still refuses to accept the wooden box their later father left him. NING and NO fear that KIU will punish them. HAP tells them to rest assured, as she will certainly come up with a solution.

6. 第6集 - 愛愛被割 頸部重傷

2013 - Season 1

YAT helps UNCLE TUNG move house. While the old man appreciates his help, HAP does not think helping one's victim is something to be proud of. A man manages to coax a boy into going into the water. KIU is amused by the method he uses. The next day, she is surprised to learn that he is new comer WONG TZE-TSUEN.

5. 第5集 - 為民請命 連累通伯

2013 - Season 1

HAP takes OI for YAT's girlfriend. What is more, she learns from OI's conversation that she is suffering from a terminal illness and has been dumped by YAT. She tells her team mates to care more about OI. In fact, OI is YAT's half SIS. When his father was on his deathbed in Taiwan, she begged YAT to go home to see their father but failed.

4. 第4集 - 施展絕技 當上男妓

2013 - Season 1

YAT has escaped from death. HAP was injured as she was trying to save him. The two do not stop quarreling even at hospital. Everybody in the team is worried that KIU will deal with them. HAP promises to support them. The girls put their heads together to see how they can deal with KIU. KIU admires SIS TEN a lot. She asks for her opinion on the way she handled KIU's matter.

3. 第3集 - 霏俠慘被 A1戲弄

2013 - Season 1

HAP receives a video from YAT at last, only that it is not the one she wants but a pornographic video. YAT's boss, MR TIN, tells him to interview LIN YING-TONG but TONG refuses to give him an interview. TONG is attacked by some demonstrators as he is asking reporters' questions. He tells HAP it was YAT who attacked him.

2. 第2集 - 一一自稱 霏俠男友

2013 - Season 1

HAP tells YAT to go down on his knees to apologize to EVA and then puts EVA under arrest when she is not aware. NAM wants to find someone to pretend to be HAP's boyfriend at the wedding banquet of AUNT TSAT's daughter. He turns to SIS SING for help.

1. 第1集 - 霏俠親手 拘未婚夫

2013 - Season 1

LUI FEI-HAP's boyfriend, TUNG SHIU-LEUNG, proposes to her during an operation. He is shocked to learn that she is a sergeant from the Emergency Unit. This upsets her, believing he does not like her job. Her fellow colleagues are trying to give her some words of consolations when LEUNG appears and proposes to her again.

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