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Where to watch "Master of Play"

30. Season 1, Episode 30

2011 - Season 1

After the fight with SAI-YIN at CHOR-KIU's place, SIU-NAM's mind is seriously disturbed and he sleeps all day to hide away from the reality. SAI-TING resumes her work after rest and all her colleagues are worried for her. SAI-TING goes to the workshop to terminate the tenancy and she meets SANDY there.

29. Season 1, Episode 29

2011 - Season 1

LAI-HING sends her family golden ring to SAI-TING and SAI-TING feels shameful to accept this heirloom. SIU-NAM discovers SAI-YIN's home key left by SAI-TING and he sneaks into SAI-YIN's home to carry out investigation. SIU-NAM tries to put himself into SAI-YIN's world and he finally gets hold of SAI-YIN's complicated state of mind.

28. Season 1, Episode 28

2011 - Season 1

KIN-HO invites SAI-YIN to the police station to question him and SIU-NAM suddenly arrives with a lawyer. Representing SAI-TING, the lawyer reveals to SAI-YIN that he should not get in touch with SAI-TING anymore. SIU-NAM also claims that SAI-TING has told them that SAI-YIN was involved in the kidnap case long time ago.

27. Season 1, Episode 27

2011 - Season 1

Looking at YAT-KEI's dead body, SAI-YIN doesn't know what to do. SAI-YIN rushes out to the street. He meets SAI-TING there and he pulls her to the car nervously. SAI-TING is shocked to learn about what SAI-YIN has done. She insists to get out of the car in the busy road and is knocked down by a car accidentally.

26. Season 1, Episode 26

2011 - Season 1

CHOR-KIU has died and the Wednesday Serial Killer's case is over but SAI-TING and the others are still disturbed by the reporters all the time. SIU-NAM thinks through the case carefully and he finds it strange that CHOR-KIU takes up the responsibility in this way. SIU-NAM goes to the village house where CHOR-KIU used to live.

25. Season 1, Episode 25

2011 - Season 1

CHOR-KIU believes that SAI-YIN has discovered her secret already and she worries that SAI-YIN's senseless behavior will ruin her long-time plan. CHOR-KIU finally discovers the truth about SAI-YIN. She crosses the street nervously when the red light is on and the police capture her. CHOR-KIU's sister-in-law KIT-YUK accompanies her home and KIT-YUK's words inspire CHOR-KIU a lot.

24. Season 1, Episode 24

2011 - Season 1

SAI-YIN arrives at the village house and he is shocked to discover some broken pieces of a prosthetic limb there. SIU-NAM is very worried but CHOR-KIU suddenly calls him and tells him that she is safe. KIN-HO learns that SING-YUE's car is discovered at the hillside. KIN-HO and CHUN-WAI worry that the serial killer has killed SING-YUE already.

23. Season 1, Episode 23

2011 - Season 1

SIU-NAM finally announces his relationship with CHOR-KIU to everybody. He brings CHOR-KIU to dinner with LAI-HING. YAT-KEI mentions about SAI-TING during the dinner and SIU-NAM is very embarrassed. SAI-YIN and ERIC try to elaborate who is the serial killer but they fail.

22. Season 1, Episode 22

2011 - Season 1

SING-YUE is no longer investigating the Wednesday Serial Killer's case. He decides to imitate SIU-NAM by imagining that he is the suspect when investigating a crime case and his subordinates find it strange. SING-YUE asks KIN-HO to check out the information of SHUM CHI-CHUNG, a serial killer three years ago, for he believes that CHI-CHUNG is related to the recent serial killer case.

21. Season 1, Episode 21

2011 - Season 1

YAT-KEI asks SIU-NAM to accompany his wife to concert but SIU-NAM rejects him with excuse for he seems to have feelings on LAI-HING again. LAI-HING suspects that SAI-TING is really her daughter and she asks private detective to investigate her. SAI-YIN believes that KELLY is the "Wednesday Serial Killer" and he worries that SIU-NAM will discover it soon.

20. Season 1, Episode 20

2011 - Season 1

SING-YUE reveals to SIU-NAM that he is no longer investigating the serial murder case. SIU-NAM discovers that SAI-YIN's assistant KELLY is tidying up the house for SAI-YIN and he believes that KELLY has become SAI-YIN's new girlfriend but SAI-YIN denies. SAI-YIN drinks alone in the pub again and ERIC suddenly appears.

19. Season 1, Episode 19

2011 - Season 1

SAI-TING learns that SIU-NAM used to indulge in a character too deeply that he fails to pull himself back to the reality. Looking at SIU-NAM's current condition, SAI-TING is worried. LAI-HING believes that SIU-NAM will regain consciousness soon by overcoming his inside conflicts.

18. Season 1, Episode 18

2011 - Season 1

After investigating the dead body, the DNA of the suspect is found and SING-YUE is overjoyed. After breaking up with SAI-YIN, CHOR-KIU moves to a village house to start anew. Based on the DNA, SING-YUE concludes that a man called MICHAEL is involved to the murdering case. SING-YUE and his team discover that MICHAEL is homosexual but MICHAEL's wife insists that this is a rumor only.

17. Season 1, Episode 17

2011 - Season 1

SIU-NAM asks SAI-YIN to face his family problems seriously. CHOR-KIU has got a cold and she visits the doctor. CHOR-KIU's period is late and the doctor asks her to take a pregnancy test. CHOR-KIU is very worried… SAI-TING and SIU-NAM learn that CHOR-KIU is staying in the hospital and they rush to visit her.

16. Season 1, Episode 16

2011 - Season 1

SAI-YIN is extremely stressful and he resorts to drink when joining YIM-KING's dinner event. SAI-YIN is out of control soon. MARTIN, EDWIN and MICHELLE make the dinner a mess and YIM-KING is very angry. SAI-TING discovers SAI-YIN fooling around with a woman in the car and she tries to stop him.

15. Season 1, Episode 15

2011 - Season 1

CHEUK-KWAN decides to continue his studies in England. LAI-HING finds him getting more mature now and she feels relieved. SIU-NAM decides to go working in Shanghai. SAI-TING blames herself for not being able to console her good friend and CHOR-KIU persuades her to relax. SAI-YIN is drunk when he returns home. CHOR-KIU feels that SAI-YIN is behaving strange lately and she is worried. HOK-LAI keeps following SAI-TING.

14. Season 1, Episode 14

2011 - Season 1

CHOR-KIU brings a rich man to backstage to meet up with SIU-NAM. SIU-NAM feels that CHOR-KIU is behaving strange lately and he is worried. SIU-NAM meets SAI-YIN and he reveals to him that CHOR-KIU is having problems with her prosthetic arm lately. CHEUK-KWAN tries to please SAI-TING in every way and SAI-TING cannot bear to reveal the truth to him.

13. 第13集 - 麗馨不滿 世言兄妹

2012 - Season 1

世言在工作室內為兆楠專注製作一個尋找失蹤女兒芷縈的網頁;Eric 等人在一旁冷眼旁觀,嘴角卻露出了一..

12. 第12集 - 暢飲紅酒 傾吐心事

2012 - Season 1


11. 第11集 - 世言成功 推測股市

2012 - Season 1


10. 第10集 - 目睹Eric 起死回生

2012 - Season 1


9. 第9集 - 迫上絕路 企圖自殺

2012 - Season 1


8. 第8集 - 告知兆楠 失槍秘密

2012 - Season 1


7. 第7集 - 兆楠世婷 緣分緊密

2012 - Season 1


6. 第6集 - 世言潛入 兆楠家中

2012 - Season 1


5. 第5集 - 世言協助 處理屍體

2012 - Season 1


4. 第4集 - Michelle主動 挑逗世言

2012 - Season 1


3. 第3集 - 秉清對友 訴說心事

2012 - Season 1


2. 第2集 - 狠心世言 黑夜行兇

2012 - Season 1


1. 第1集 - 世言求婚 喜極而泣

2012 - Season 1

一個下雨天晚上,江承宇督察奉召到一村屋進行調查;當承宇到達案發現場後,看見地上與牆上均佈滿血漬,一陣寒意不禁湧上心頭。 承宇冷靜地視察現場環境,法證人員與法醫官忙著收集重要證物,各人更立即討論兇徒的犯案動機。兇徒遺下了攝錄機,眾人發現當中已錄有影像,於是把影像播放,發現是兇徒殘害及肢解受害者的過程,令人看得不禁毛骨悚然。

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