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Where to watch "Kkondae Intern"

24. Yeol Chan Becomes the Managing Director

2020 - Season 1

Everyone helps out in exposing Koo Ja Sook and clearing Yeol Chan's name. With their help, Ja Sook gets what she deserves, and Yeol Chan becomes Joonsu Food's managing director. However, when he sets things straight, Yeol Chan resigns and starts a company of his own.

23. Yeol Chan to the Rescue

2020 - Season 1

Yeol Chan rescues Man Sic in the nick of time. Joon Su, Tae Lee, and Ok Kyung also show up to give a helping hand with the fighting. When they return to the office, Yeol Chan finds out he's a candidate for the managing director. However, his office gets turned upside down by the Inspection Department due to a company event scam pointing to him.

22. Man Sic Sticks with Yeol Chan

2020 - Season 1

Ja Sook and Joon Su continue to slash at Yeol Chan, doing whatever they can to stop him from becoming a junior managing director. But Joon Su finally sees the whole picture behind Ja Sook's ulterior motive after finding out Man Sic is Tae Lee's dad and a short presentation by Ok Kyung. Meanwhile, Man Sic gets kidnapped.

21. Recruitment Corruption

2020 - Season 1

Man Sic, Yoon Soo, and Tae Lee get taken in for questioning regarding Joonsu Food's recruitment corruption, along with Joon Su, Sang Jong, and others by the police. However, through further investigation, it's not at all what it seems to be. Meanwhile, Yeol Chan goes through deep self-reflection on how he has been judging people.

20. The Final Interview

2020 - Season 1

Koo Ja Sook uses an article about corruption in Joonsu Food's recruitment to force Yeol Chan to give up becoming the junior managing director. Meanwhile, partnerless Man Sic tries to persuade Tae Lee to partner up for the presentation, and Yoon Soo and Jung Eun break up.

19. Yeol Chan Gets a Beating

2020 - Season 1

The shocking news of Man Sic and Tae Lee's father-daughter relationship gets known in the office. Tae Lee and Yeol Chan's fling also comes out in the open, humiliating Yeol Chan and getting him a smackdown from Man Sic. Meanwhile, interns scramble to find partners for their final evaluation presentation to land a permanent position.

18. Tae Lee the Savior

2020 - Season 1

Yeol Chan resorts to asking Cha Young Seok for help in the overseas market to save his Spicy Webfoot Octopus Ramyeon, and a video of Tae Lee gulping down Spicy Webfoot Octopus Ramyeon samples goes viral. Meanwhile, Jung Eun gives Yoon Soo a go at their relationship, and Namgoong Pyo considers appointing Yeol Chan as the managing director.

17. The Rice Soup Owner Dies

2020 - Season 1

After seeing the intern evaluation sheet, Yoon Soo threatens Yeol Chan to tell everyone about how he killed someone. Meanwhile, Yeo Hong Seok, the rice soup restaurant owner, dies. Drenched with guilt, Yeol Chan earnestly requests Joon Su to drop any charges against the company in the current carcinogen case.

16. The New Ramyeon Flavor

2020 - Season 1

Yeol Chan puts all his energy into finalizing his new recipe, Spicy Webfoot Octopus Ramyeon, and collapses. After he recovers, the unique flavor takes over the market. However, at the height of its success, a carcinogen is found in one of the ingredients.

15. Surviving on Ramyeon

2020 - Season 1

Yeol Chan and Man Sic get stuck on Manji Island for days. Luckily, Man Sic knows how to pack for an outing, and with his sack, Yeol Chan and Man Sic experiment with different ramyeon recipes. Meanwhile, Joon Su, Tae Lee, and Yoon Soo party it up, and Cha Young Seok makes some impressive deals overseas with Greasy Ramyeon.

14. Bad Weather

2020 - Season 1

Yeol Chan and his interns try out local ramyeon restaurants and try to learn from it. But his tenacious, unyielding work ethic drives Man Sic and the others mad. In the end, Man Sic partners up with Yeo Chan to head to an island to taste Grandma's Ramyeon but runs into stormy weather.

13. Probation

2020 - Season 1

Manager Cha Young Seok gets assigned to the Marketing and Sales Department during Yeol Chan's at home probation. Upset and disgusted at his given situation, Yeol Chan calls his interns, Tae Lee, Yoon Soo, and Man Sic, to join him on a trip to develop a new recipe. Meanwhile, Joon Su tells Man Sic to update him with every step of their covert mission.

12. Épisode 12

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Lorsque Yeol-chan est accusé d'avoir accepté un pot-de-vin, les stagiaires font front pour l'innocenter. Jun-su et Yeol-chan atteignent leurs objectifs chez Joonsu Food.

11. Épisode 11

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Les stagiaires sont interrogés sur des pratiques d'embauche illicites. Man-sik est désigné pour parler des aptitudes de Yeol-chan à siéger au conseil d'administration.

10. Épisode 10

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Un scoop éclate à propos de Man-sik et Tae-ri. Tandis que les stagiaires se préparent pour leurs évaluations finales, Gu Ja-suk montre sa vraie nature à Yeol-chan.

9. Épisode 9

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Joo Yun-su tente d'exploiter le passé de Yeol-chan à son profit. Sentant qu'il s'est rapproché de Tae-ri, Yeol-chan l'invite à sortir avec lui.

8. Épisode 8

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Une journée pluvieuse révèle l'identité de la muse de Yeol-chan. La popularité grandissante du ramen au poulpe de Yeol-chan est ternie par un scandale sanitaire.

7. Épisode 7

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Yeol-chan et les stagiaires se lancent dans le développement d'un nouveau produit. Cha Yeong-seok profite de l'absence de Yeol-chan pour s'emparer de l'équipe marketing.

6. Épisode 6

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Jun-su punit Man-sik pour avoir aidé son ennemi. Désireuse de plaire à Namgung Pyo, l'équipe de Yeol-chan paie le prix pour améliorer ses chiffres.

5. Épisode 5

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La compassion dont fait preuve Man-sik surprend Yeol-chan. La plainte d'un client qui aurait trouvé un cafard dans son ramen fait une mauvaise publicité à la société.

4. Épisode 4

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Oh Dong-geun s'attribue le mérite de l'idée de Man-sik. Se sentant responsable de l'attaque de rançongiciel, Yeol-chan aide Man-sik via un post anonyme.

3. Épisode 3

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Les collègues de Man-sik nettoient les dégâts après l'incident nucléaire. Voyant Lee Tae-ri venir à son secours, Jun-su tombe instantanément amoureux d'elle.

2. Épisode 2

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An Sang-jong et Namgung Jun-su sollicitent l'aide de Man-sik pour nuire à Yeol-chan. Les tentatives de Yeol-chan de déstabiliser Man-sik ne se déroulent pas comme prévu.

1. Épisode 1

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Méprisé quand il travaillait pour Lee Man-sik, Ga Yeol-chan a de l'ambition. Cinq ans plus tard, quand il retrouve Man-sik, ce dernier est son stagiaire.

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