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Where to watch "Bizarre ER"

10. Episode 10

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A man falls off a ladder and lands on his dad. A woman can't walk after slipping on a potato chip bag. A driver nearly dies when she is run over by her own car.

9. Episode 9

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A patient slashes his scalp on a toilet paper holder. A young man overdoses on holiday sun. A man has an incredible near-death experience when he is almost decapitated by a passing bus.

8. Episode 8

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A carpenter nails his hand to a plank of wood. A woman crushes her thumb in her boyfriend's car door. A fisherman is submerged in freezing water for over eight minutes.

7. Episode 7

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A man hurts himself helping his wife give CPR to a goldfish. A groom has an injury that may mean he can't tie the knot. A kite surfer falls from a great height into a brick wall.

6. Episode 6

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An injured rope maker gets tied up in knots. A squeamish patient has a piercing that's gone wrong. A man survives a car crash but wakes up convinced he is a Hollywood superstar.

5. Episode 5

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A young lady pays the price for a discount piercing. A person has an intimate shaving accident with a blunt blade. A victim survives a gruesome car crash.

4. Episode 4

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A Coast Guard rescues a young couple at the end of their first date. A DIY dad nearly loses his foot. A person has an industrial accident and is squeezed through a five-inch gap.

3. Episode 3

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A lady hooks a keyring through her finger. An aspiring sailor loses a chunk from one of her appendages. A woman runs her car into a fencepost.

2. Episode 2

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A man changes the blade of his angle grinder with the motor running. A lady harbors a creature in her ear canal. A man cheats death four times.

1. Episode 1

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A cyclist is injured by his own bicycle. A soldier takes a spill in a bouncy castle. A man has a run-in with a lawnmower. A patient is nearly killed by a pigeon.

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