8. Los Angeles: Life Philosophy

2015 - Season 1

After traveling nearly 5000 miles, James and Todd reach the Pacific where Surf Legend Mickey Munoz invites them into his home. Mickey shares his philosophy on life while putting them to work and giving the guys a paddleboard lesson to remember.

7. Taos: Innovation

2015 - Season 1

James and Todd are invited to meet Mike Reynolds a visionary engineer who has been developing sustainable structures for decades. The guys bunk with students at The Earthship Academy and spend the night in an actual Earthship, before joining their construction crew in the morning.

6. Wyoming: Faith & Resilience

2015 - Season 1

James and Todd are invited to Medicine Bow Lodge in Saratoga, Wyoming. No cell and no Internet allows the guys a chance to reflect on their journey. Tim and Debbie, owners of the ranch, share their idea of the American Dream and how their faith played a key role.

5. Iowa: Part 2 - American Made, American Pride

2015 - Season 1

James and Todd get invited to the Indian Motorcycle Factory to see where their bikes are made. When they arrive at the factory they get to meet and work with the people on-the-line.

4. Iowa: Part 1 - Live to Fight Another Day

2015 - Season 1

Tension rises as James and Todd for the first time face defeat and an ultimate fear for their lives as Mother Nature puts a major obstacle in their course. Their faith is tested and their eyes are opened to some of the dangers of riding a motorcycle cross-country.

3. St.Louis: Equality, Appreciation

2015 - Season 1

The Gateway to the West leads the guys to Wonderii, a boutique marketing company, run by three young, bright & ambitious women. These successful women shatter stereotypes when it comes to tech and business in the mid-west but can the guys keep up?

2. Rendville: Working Together

2015 - Season 1

James and Todd head to Rendville, the smallest town in Ohio - population 35. Riding into Rendville is like stepping back in time. As one of the first racially integrated towns in Ohio, Rendville possesses a rich legacy in the civil rights and labor movements. James and Todd learn a whole new meaning of community as they get a "hands on experience" in small town America.

1. Braddock: Courage & Rebuilding

2015 - Season 1

James Marshall and Todd Williams depart NYC on their cross-country journey to see if the American Dream is still alive. Their first stop is Braddock, Pennsylvania. Braddock was once a booming industrial town with a population of nearly 20,000. With the decline of the steel industry, a once thriving town became riddled with violence, crime, and the population dwindled by 90%. In Braddock, they are invited to stay with the Mayor, and participate in the rebuilding of a community.

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