3. Mutant Misadventures

No release date yet

In the wild ride of life, the mutants of the ocean can’t help but get up to all sorts of misadventure. An octopus has a fetish for coconuts and a crab is caught out in the nude. A volcano mutates and squid run out of time. While shrimp prove tough isn’t about size, an albatross trades freedom for sex and a fish gets very, very angry. Mutants know how to get weird.

2. Seas of Love

No release date yet

Love in the sea reaches a new level of weird. Eels spend decades alone, then mate without even seeing their partner, penguins climb a huge cliff, male seahorses get pregnant, a tiny fish becomes a great artist, birds form a salacious love triangle, hermaphroditic sea hares form a gooey love circle, and shearwaters circumnavigate the globe. It’s all in the name of love.

1. Kärlekens hav

No release date yet

Dyk djupt in i de mest missförstådda försöken att hitta kärleken som havsdjur har att erbjuda.

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