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Where to watch "Hip Hop Harry"

13. Episode 13: Fun Memories

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">It is the last day of school, and the kids are excited. They recount their plans for the summer, and realize they will really miss each other. Hip Hop Harry tells them that there is an easy way to take y our friends with you - through your memories! The kids recount their favorite times over the past year at Hip Hop Central. In the end, the kids all learn valuable lessons from each other, less

12. Hip Hop Big Top

2008 - Season 2

The gang has a circus at Hip Hop Central; William thinks he can't help because he accidentally wore a boot on one of his feet.

11. Episode 11: You Can Dance

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">Sara knows how to dance ballet but wants to learn how to dance Hip Hop. Hip Hop Harry suggests she take some dance classes at Hip Hop Central. Taking it step by step, Sara and all the kids learn some great new dance moves.

10. Episode 10: My Music Is My Music

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">Hip Hop Harry teaches the kids about different types of music (Classical, Country and Salsa), mixing in a little Hip Hop for a completely different sound! Pinky teaches Kiana how to save money so she can buy a new CD.

9. Episode 9: Grandma Brooks

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">Kiana&#x27;s Grandma Brooks is visiting from Trinidad. Inspired by her stories, the kids decide to put on their own carnival for Grandma Brooks and use their imagination to make masks.

8. Just Give It a Try

2007 - Season 2

The kids make hand puppets for a puppet show, but Jay-Jay worries if his will be any good.

7. Episode 7: I Like to Move

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">Its Fitness Fun Day at Hip Hop Central and Hip Hop Harry has invited a fitness expert to teach the kids some fun new ways to exercise. Colton learns a lesson about rhyming words and composes a poem to perform for everyone.

6. Episode 6: Get Involved

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">Sara&#x27;s older sister Norma is busy practicing for her double-dutch competition and Sara feels left out. Hip Hop Harry urges Sara to get involved in the competition. Meanwhile, the kids decide to create a fruit tree collage and learn which fruits grow on trees.

5. Finding Your Talent

2007 - Season 2

Ryan tells jokes for his talent while Veronica has trouble deciding what her talent is.

4. Make Your Dreams Come True

2007 - Season 2

A Professional Gymnast, a veterinarian and a children's band visit and explain the concepts of hard work.

3. Peas in a Pod

2007 - Season 2

Farmer Fran Teaches the kids about farm life.

2. A-B See

No release date yet

Game involves finding objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

1. Episode 1: My Favorite Things

No release date yet

<div dir="auto">The kids learn different ways to share when everyone brings a favorite thing to show their friends. Sara even brings her pet bunny, Ribbons! However, Colton secretly opens Ribbons cage and the bunny runs away. Colton must tell Sara the truth about his mistake so they can find Ribbons.

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