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Where to watch "Dirty Jobs"

14. Beaver Relocator; Slime Master

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Mike Rowe gör en damm åt ett par bävrar som orsakar förödelse för samhället. Därefter blir Mike lite kladdig i processen att uppfylla en livslång dröm.

13. Deer Urine Farmer; Necropsy

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Vi skitar ner oss med Mike Rowe när han jobbar med USA:s okända arbetare som tjänar sitt uppehälle i några av de mest otänkbara men viktiga yrkena.

11. Manhole Rehab; Clock Caretaker

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Mike Rowe går ner djupt i en gammal kloak i Tennessee. Sedan slår sig Mike ihop med en horolog och en präst när han restaurerar ett historiskt klocktorn.

10. Baghouse Cleaner; Biochar Maker

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Mike rengör ett asfaltfiltersystem i North Carolina. I Colorado blir han smutsigare än någonsin när han torrdestillerar trä till gödning.

9. Caviar Harvester; Spice Maker

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Mike Rowe visar oss var vår mat kommer ifrån och skördar kaviar från den leriga Mississippifloden. Sedan tar Mike med sig sina föräldrar till jobbet.

8. Beaver Relocator/Slime Master

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Mike Rowe goes to the mountains in Utah and gives a dam to a couple nuisance beavers causing havoc for municipalities. Mike gets a little sticky in the process of fulfilling a lifelong dream, working with a special effects artist at a glue factory in LA.

7. Manhole Rehab/Clock Caretaker

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Mike Rowe descends into the depths of an aging manhole, coating it with a polyurea liner to extend its warranty in Murfreesboro, TN. Mike joins an horologist and a priest to set the time right as he restores a historic clocktower in our nation's capital.

6. Deer Urine Farmer/Necropsy

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Mike travels to Anna, IL, and wades knee-deep in diarrhoea to collect deer urine for America's buck-hunters. Mike strands Maryland's shore to perform a necropsy on an ocean sentinel to determine its cause of death and any possible human ramifications.

5. Baghouse Cleaner/Biochar Maker

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Mike Rowe attends a dusty baghouse party to clean the filtration system at a North Carolina asphalt plant. In Colorado, Mike solves global warming as he gets his dirtiest yet, pyrolyzing waste lumber into the planet's most efficient fertiliser: biochar.

4. Caviar Harvester/Spice Maker

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Mike Rowe shows us where our food comes from, harvesting caviar from the muddy Mississippi River. Mike brings his parents to work and rectifies misconceptions in his hometown of Baltimore preparing blue crab seasoning with a fourth-generation spice maker.

3. Pile Jacketer/Concrete Cleaner

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Mike Rowe preserves infrastructure as he submerges in a murky Florida river to pour concrete jackets around crumbling bridge pilings. In North Carolina, Mike sucks out a concrete washout pit and sprays sediment as he turns toxic sludge into potable water.

2. Feral Cat Fixer/Reaper Keeper

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Mike Rowe helps cat ladies of northern Texas to fix a clowder of feral cats at a spay and neuter facility. Mike and his crew feel the burn as he processes peppers with the mad scientist inventor of the Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper in the world.

1. Pool Fixer/Hotel Soap Recycler

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Mike Rowe joins a second-generation pool fixer in West Palm Beach, Florida, and jumps into the dirtiest pool in America to clean 17 years of accumulated filth. In Orlando, Mike and a Soap Whisperer recycle dirty hotel soap in an effort to Clean the World.

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