12. Romio and Juliet

2018 - Season 1

Romio enters the White Cats dorm to celebrate Persia's birthday at all costs. While searching for Persia, he encounters the White Cats prefect, 'Cait Sith', and the two face off. Romio stands no chance. Though disheartened by their difference in strength, Romio doesn't quit, and fiercely runs at the window. His last hope. Will Romio and Persia's hands be joined as they climb the world's walls?

11. Romio and Juliet and the Birthday

2018 - Season 1

It's Persia's birthday. In an attempt to recover from the night before, Romio tries talking to Persia, but she rejects him with an 'I don't want to see you right now.' Hasuki sees Romio obviously downtrodden and completely unable to attend class, and asks 'Want to skip class?' With the hope of lightening his mood, Hasuki takes Romio on a tour of the school!.

10. Romio and Airu

2018 - Season 1

Romio is returning to his room after his shopping trip with Char when the head of the Inuzuka household and Black Doggy prefect, as well as Romio's brother, 'Airu Inuzuka' stands in his way. Airu raises concerns, and suspects Romio may be in contact with a White Cat girl. Romio, beholden to his brother, undergoes a week of surveillance. The problem is, that week coincides with Persia's birthday.

9. Romio and Char and the Present

2018 - Season 1

Romio is occupied with finding a way to buy a present for Persia's birthday in a week, and acquires permission from the twins to go on an errand to Dahlia Street. But despite arriving in town with vigor, Romio can't decide on a present. That's when he runs into Char. He accompanies her with the promise of gift advice, and things get interesting when their shopping date runs into some trouble.

8. Romio and the Prefect

2018 - Season 1

Inuzuka asks Persia on another date, this time to the Harvest Festival at a lake near campus. Not long after, the twin sisters 'Kochou Wang' and 'Teria Wang' appear before him. They may look immature, but the two 14 year old Black Doggy House prefects are prodigies that skipped to the second year of high school. Can Inuzuka have a normal date with Persia while these two watch his every move?

7. Romio und Juliet und das Sportfest

No release date yet

Nach dem Finale des Sportfestes, dem Reiterkampf zwischen Inuzuka und Aby, sollte eigentlich alles entschieden sein. Doch Inuzukas Herausforderung führt zu einer unerwarteten Verlängerung. Er will Persia die Chance geben, das Fest mit gutem Gefühl zu beenden. Aber ein Kampf ist ein Kampf. Gerade weil sie einander respektieren, müssen sie jetzt alles geben. Mit diesem Ausgang hat niemand gerechnet!

6. Juliet und das Sportfest

No release date yet

Der Kampfgeist der Schüler, die beim Sportfest zum "MVP" gekrönt werden wollen, ist nicht zu brechen. Auch Inuzuka wird durch Persias Versprechen angetrieben, ihm einen Wunsch zu erfüllen, wenn er MVP wird. Die Schwarzen Hunde und die Weißen Katzen liefern sich einen ebenbürtigen Wettkampf. Dann ereignet sich bei der 7. Disziplin, dem "Holzpfahl-Umsturz", ein katastrophaler Zwischenfall.

5. Romio and the Sports Festival

2018 - Season 1

The Dahlia campus is even more lively than usual with students training tirelessly for the upcoming sports festival. Aby Ssinia, a White Cats boy, and the girl after his heart, Somali Longhaired, appear before an obstinate Inuzuka. Aby aims to be a prefect, and in an effort to solidify his popularity among the White Cats, he approaches Persia. Inuzuka, unable to contain himself, speaks out.

4. Romio and Hasuki

2018 - Season 1

The Black Doggies have begun their training camp in preparation for midterms. Persia dons her "Julio" disguise and participates at Inuzuka's request. In charge of the camp is Inuzuka's childhood friend, Hasuki Komai. Inuzuka learns by chance that he's the reason Hasuki is so dedicated. Guilty about keeping his relationship with Persia hidden from Hasuki, Inuzuka gathers his courage.

3. Romio und Princess Char

No release date yet

Inuzukas und Persias einmonatiges Jubiläum steht bevor. Gleichzeitig sorgt die Rückkehr der ersten Prinzessin des West-Herzogtums, „Chartreaux Westia“, für Aufruhr. Die Weißen Katzen rollen den roten Teppich für sie aus. Inuzuka soll sich der feindlichen Prinzessin stellen, wird jedoch von den Worten: „Du gehst mit Persia aus, richtig?“, überrumpelt. Ist ihre geheime Beziehung bereits aufgeflogen?

2. Rosary and Juliet

2018 - Season 1

Another day, another confrontation between Touwa's Black Doggy House and the West's White Cats House. All the while, Inuzuka and Persia continue their secret romance. Then, the day of the tri-monthly outing to the town of Dahlia arrives. Inuzuka concocts a plan for a date with Persia. He disguises her in a Black Doggy boy's uniform. Things get spicy as they try to keep their date on the rails.

1. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia

2018 - Season 1

Dahlia Academy is a boarding school where the students come from two enemy countries: the Eastern Nation of Touwa, and the Principality of West. However, Romio Inuzuka, the first-year leader of the Touwa students, has always been in love with Juliet Persia, the first-year leader of the enemy West students. One day, Inuzuka decides to make his move and tell Juliet how he feels.

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