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Where to watch "Banana Fish"

24. Der Fänger im Roggen

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Mit Golzine als Geisel wollte Ash die Freilassung der Gefangenen erzwingen. Doch durch den Verrat von Foxx fällt er in dessen Hände. Cain, Sin und Blanca ziehen los, um Ash und die Gefangenen zu befreien. Derweil hat sich Eiji im Krankenhaus entschlossen, nach Japan zurückzukehren, doch er macht sich Sorgen um Ash …

23. For Whom the Bell Tolls

2018 - Season 1

Eiji is shot, and is taken to the hospital. Ash tries to go with him, but it's none other than Blanca who stops him. Blanca tries to take care of Ash's wound, but Ash points a gun at him. Meanwhile, Sing who is feeling guilty for two of his guys shooting Eiji and Ash, makes one important decision...

22. As I Lay Dying

2018 - Season 1

As Max and the guys are being held captive, Ash goes to face Foxx. In the meantime, Max and the guys are taken to the National Mental Health Institute. Eiji and Sing head to rescue Ash together with Cain, and Alex follows the car with Max and the guys on it.

21. The Undefeated

2018 - Season 1

Ash and the other guys successfully flee from Golzine and Yut Lung. A wounded Sing also manages to return to their place, but his guys have been taken hostage by Yut Lung. Ash and Cain set about coming up with a way to rescue them. Meanwhile, Yut Lung, with Yuen-Tai Lao on his side and the hostages in his grasp, seems to have a certain plan up his sleeve...

20. The Unvanquished

2018 - Season 1

Eiji finds out that Ash will be present at a party hosted by Golzine, and heads there with Sing, Cain, and Alex. Accompanying Yut Lung to the same party is Blanca. He secretly approaches Ash, who has gone temporarily blind due to some medication he was given.

19. Ice Palace

2018 - Season 1

Ash falls into the hands of Golzine, following a deal with Yut Lung. Eiji senses that Yut Lung has something to do with Ash not coming back and goes to see Sing to find out more about it. Meanwhile, Yut Lung approaches Blanca, who has just sealed the deal with Golzine, and invites him to work with him instead.

18. Inseln im Strom

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Nach Ashs Rückkehr von Kippard kümmert sich Eiji rührend um ihn. Als Ash später mit Max ausgeht, erfährt er in den Nachrichten von Holdstocks Unfalltod und vermutet, dass beide, Kippard und Holdstock, umgebracht wurden. Ash möchte lieber nicht wahrhaben, wer der Mörder ist.

17. The Killers

2018 - Season 1

Ash has fled from the National Mental Health Institute and is heading to Sing's hideout. There, he sees Eiji again. Sing finds out why Shorter was killed and tries to tell the others but Ash stops him. Tension fills the air. Meanwhile, Hua-Lung asks for Golzine and Golzine heads to the Lee mansion. There, Yut Lung was waiting for him...

16. Lo, the Poor Peacock

2018 - Season 1

Ash steals the ID of a security guard and succeeds in fleeing. He takes Dawson with him. The guards notice, but can't get hold of them. Meantime, Max and Ibe, who got into the National Mental Health Institute posing as some random head to rescue Ash...

15. The Garden of Eden

2018 - Season 1

Eiji hears that Ash is dead, but just can't believe it. He takes Yut Lung hostage to get out of the mansion. Once out, Eiji tries to leave Yut Lung but Yut Lung tells Eiji to go ahead and kill himself. Meanwhile, Max, George and Captain Jenkins head to the National Mental Health Institute and there, they see Ash's body being autopsied...

14. Tender is the Night

2018 - Season 1

Ash is in the hospital, in critical condition, after being stabbed by Arthur. Max and Ibe are waiting for Eiji at the airport but hear about the incident on the news and contacts Charlie immediately. Eiji is locked up together with gang members, and Ash's words run through his head...

13. The Snows of Kilimanjaro

2018 - Season 1

Ash heads to the agreed place where he shall face Arthur to settle it once and for all. Eiji, who had been left behind, wakes up and is told to head back to Japan by Ash's guys. However, as he finds out that Ash is facing Arthur, despite being stopped, he hurries to where Ash is.

12. To Have and Have Not

2018 - Season 1

Arthur's guys are killed by Ash back to back, including Wookie. Ash instructs his guys to chase the gangs that are working with Arthur out of Manhattan, all the while making arrangements to send Eiji back to Japan.

11. Die Schönen und Verdammten

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Ash und seine Freunde sind aus Golzines Villa geflohen. Sein Anwesen ist niedergebrannt, Ash entkommen. Golzine lässt seiner Wut freien Lauf. Zurück in seiner Basis, verbringt Ash einige friedliche Stunden mit Eiji, bereitet aber schon seine nächsten Aktionen vor.

10. Wiedersehen mit Babylon

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Shorter ist tot, Ash steht unter Schock. In der Zwischenzeit hecken Shin und Alex einen Plan aus, um Ash und Shorter zu befreien. Da fährt Golzine überraschend mit Arthur weg, beobachtet von Yue Len, der zur Tat schreitet, als er etwas entdeckt.

9. Ein Walzer für mich

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Eiji und Shorter sind zu Golzine gebracht worden, wo Shorter von Golzines Leuten gefangen genommen wird. Auch Ash und die anderen sind auf dem Weg zu Golzine. Derweil bereitet Abraham in einem Versuchslabor in Golzines Anwesen irgendein Experiment vor …

8. Banal Story

2018 - Season 1

Jessica and Michael are attacked by someone. Ash and Max go to help the two, and Eiji, Shorter and Ibe were waiting for Ash and Max to come back. However, Eiji is kidnapped by Yut Lung's ruse. Ash returns to the mansion after sensing something wrong...

7. Junger Mann aus reichem Haus

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Auf der Flucht vor Golzines Verfolgern haben sich Ash und seine Freunde auf den Weg nach Los Angeles gemacht, um die Adresse "Westwood 42-102" aufzusuchen. Nach einem Abstecher bei Max' Exfrau Jessica und seinem Sohn Michael erreichen sie das Anwesen unter der mysteriösen Adresse. Plötzlich ertönen aus der Villa Schreie!

6. Meine verlorene Stadt

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Griffin könnte Fotos oder Schriftliches hinterlassen haben, was Aufschluss über "Banana Fish" geben könnte. Das glauben Ash und seine Freunde und haben sich auf den Weg in Ashs Heimat, Cape Cod gemacht. Dort angekommen, bereitet Ashs Vater Jim ihnen jedoch einen kühlen Empfang. Als er Ash rauswerfen will, drängen ihn Eiji und Max, seine Gründe zu nennen ...

5. Vom Tod zum Morgen

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Jenkins hat für die Freilassung von Ash gesorgt. Ash weiß, dass sein Bruder tot ist und will nun ganz allein die Konfrontation mit Golzine suchen. Eiji behauptet jedoch, es sei allein seine Schuld, dass Griffin erschossen wurde und zwingt Ash, ihn mitzunehmen.

4. This Side of Paradise

2018 - Season 1

It was Arthur who appeared before Eiji who was visiting Meredith's medical clinic after being asked by Ash. However, seeing Griffin coming out of the back room of the medical clinic, Abraham becomes confused all of a sudden and shoots Griffin. Eiji presumes that because Griffin called Abraham "Banana Fish", he assumed that it was about him, but he is told by Ibé to return to Japan.

3. Über den Fluss und in die Wälder

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Ash ist ins Staatsgefängnis verlegt worden. In seiner Zelle ist auch der Journalist Max, den der Kriminalpolizist Charlie gebeten hat, auf Ash aufzupassen. Doch der junge, hübsche Ash wird von Garvey attackiert, einem Insassen mit Verbindungen zu Golzine. Auf der Krankenstation erfährt Ash, dass Max zu "Banana Fish" recherchiert hat ...

2. In Another Country

2018 - Season 1

Skip and Eiji were taken away by Frederick Arthur's gangs. Ash is caught by Marvin, a subordinate of Golzine who has joined hands with Arthur, when he rushed out to save the two who were taken away. The three tries to escape with Ash's tact. However, Shorter shows up and a brawl ensues. Ash pursues Marvin who is running away, but when he enters a room, an unexpected sight unfolds before him.

1. A Perfect Day for Bananafish

2018 - Season 1

In New York, Ash Lynx a boy with an perfect appearance and outstanding fighting power has been leading a street gang at the age of 17. One night, Ash is told the word "Banana Fish" from a man shot by his own subordinate. The word was that Griffin, his brother who was pretty crippled, often mentioned. At the same time, he meets Eiji Okumura, a Japanese boy who came as a photographer's assistant.

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