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Where to watch "Warriors"

11. Special Forces

2009 - Season 1

A recollection of the Alamo Scouts reconnaissance unit during World War II, including a demonstration of the guerrilla methods used.

10. Special Forces

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Green Beret Terry Schappert reveals the origin of his own American warrior culture, the U.S. Special Forces: The Alamo Scouts, an elite reconnaissance unit that operated behind enemy lines during World War II. Terry not only tests weapons like the Thompson submachine gun and M1 Garand, he demonstrates their guerilla tactics. These unconventional fighting skills led to a daring POW rescue that made the Alamo Scouts legendary.

9. Islands of Blood

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Big Island & Oahu, 1790s: Warring chieftains engage in brutal inter-tribal battles for domination of the Hawaiian archipelago. Green Beret Terry Schappert delves into the brutal culture of the Hawaiian warrior, including the deadly martial arts, vicious shark tooth combat weapons and the rituals of human sacrifice that allowed a warrior king to dominate the islands.

8. Zulu Siege

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South Africa, 1879: At the Battle of Isandlwana, Zulu warriors overwhelm an occupying British army. It was Britain's Little Bighorn--England's worst defeat at the hands of a colonial force. Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

7. Spartan Vengeance

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Greece, 479, BC: At the Battle of Plataea, brilliant tactics and battlefield discipline help the Spartans defeat the Persians, avenging the devastating defeat of the 300 at Thermopylye. Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

6. The Last Crusaders

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Malta, 1565: The Knights of Saint Johns defend Malta from attacking Ottomans in one of history's greatest sieges--the Siege of Malta--the last battle of the Crusades. Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

5. Samurai Showdown

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Japan, 1612: Legendary samurai Musashi meets archrival Kojiro in climactic duel. What does it take to be a warrior? Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

4. Knight Fight

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England v. France, 1415: Outnumbered English knights and archers, led by King Henry V, slaughter French knights at Agincourt. What does it take to be a warrior? Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

3. Barbarian Massacre

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Germany, 9 AD: The Romans, with the greatest army in the world, are annihilated by Germanic tribes at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest. What does it take to be a warrior? Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.

2. Viking Terror

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What does it take to be a warrior? Travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior, SFC Terry Schappert, and go inside the culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry, tactics and, ultimately, their psyche. Norway and Poland--991 AD: The Hells Angels of the Middle Ages pillage Europe, but they meet their match--the Saxons--at the Battle of Maldon.

1. Maya Armageddon

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Recent archeological discoveries unearth secrets of a fierce warrior society--one built on human sacrifice, bizarre rituals and deadly weapons. A bloody battle at the ancient city of Dos Pilas leads to the downfall and disappearance of this powerful pre-Columbian warrior society.

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