13. OVA3 Ep 4: Eikouden - The Advent of Suzaku

2002 - Season 3

Mayo entered the Universe of the Four Gods hoping that she could win Taka's affections. However those dreams shatter when she realizes that a fake Suzaku has been using her to gather strength. Now Taka and the other Suzaku Warriors race to save Mayo, Miaka, the baby, and Konan. To make matters worse, an unknown evil entity has declared that the Universe of the Four Gods must be destroyed and its magic consumed, sending everything in the book into the void! When all seems lost an unlikely person will save them all...

12. OVA3 Ep 3: Eikouden - Rebirth of the Seven Stars

2002 - Season 3

Taka, Tasuki and Chichiri find themselves overcome with dobut as each reborn Suzaku warrior they find lacks the memories and abilities of their previous lives. Meanwhile, from beside Miaka's hospital bed, Keisuke, Yui and Tetsuya try to coax Mayo to return to the real world.

11. OVA3 Ep 2: Eikouden - Desert Quest

2002 - Season 3

Taka has left the capital of Konan to search for the other two surviving Suzaku warriors. After reuniting with Chichiri and Tasuki, Taiitsukun appears to inform the trio that the other Suzaku warriors have been reborn. Chiriko and Mitsukake are the first two located, but their sealed memories and childish behavior could ruin Taka's quest.

10. OVA3 Ep 1: Eikouden - The Legend Unfolds...

2001 - Season 3

Three years after Miaka and Taka's adventures ended in the Universe of the Four Gods, the book has opened again. Now married with a baby on the way, Miaka and Taka are settling into their new lives. However Mayo Sakaki, a high school student infatuated with Taka, has found the Universe of the Four Gods. After opening it, Mayo is drawn into the book to become the new Priestess of Suzaku while Miaka collapses into a coma in the real world. At the hospital, the doctors find no trace of Miaka's unborn baby, as if she was never pregnant to begin with! Taka now must return to the world of the book to save his family, and all that reside within, from an unknown menace.

9. OVA2 Ep 6: The Future to See

1998 - Season 3

The battle with Tenkou comes to a climax as he moves to invade the real world. At the same time Taka decides that he will always protect Miaka, even if it means facing his greatest opponent - himself as Tamahome. The Suzaku warriors fight bravely, but Tenkou's powers are daunting. When all seems lost, true love holds the key to saving the world.

8. OVA2 Ep 5: Fleeting Reflections

1998 - Season 3

Tasuki's behavior towards Miaka was influence by one of Tenkou's underlings, who happens to be Hikou, the friend that Chichiri claims to have killed. Now Chichiri must face down his past demons to save not only Miaka's life, but Miaka's world as well. Taka tries to find a way to help, even without Tamahome's powers.

7. OVA2 Ep 4: The Flame of Friendship

1998 - Season 3

It is a well known fact that Tasuki does not like girls. However Miaka has become the exception to the rule as Tasuki finds himself increasingly drawn to her! Meanwhile, Taka deals with the fact that he may disappear because Tenko destroyed the jewels that had been found.

6. OVA2 Ep 3: Beginning of a Changed Life

1997 - Season 3

With three jewels of memory found, Maka and Taka find the fourth in the possession of Nuriko's older brother, Rokou. However Rokou hasn't fully come to grips with the death of his brother and refuses to help the Suzaku Seven in their quest. Matters become complicated when Taka's body becomes possessed with a demon in his blood. To save Taka, Rokou must put Nuriko's death behind him, but is he ready to?

5. OVA2 Ep 2: Silent Child

1997 - Season 3

To be reborn in Miaka's world, Tamahome's memories were sealed into small jewels. Finding these jewels is important - without them Taka will cease to exist! However the Suzaku Seven are not the only ones searching for the jewels and the race is on. The warriors start their search at the palace in Konan, where Houki and her son Boushin are silent in their greif for Hotohori. Taka resolves to help them, no matter what.

4. OVA2 Ep 1: Bewitching Quickening

1997 - Season 3

Life in high school has become a normal routine for Miaka. Tamahome, now known as Taka, attends a local college and the couple is happy. However the new transfer student in Miaka's class is familiar with the Universe of the Four Gods, and plots for their demise. Having Miaka thrown from the roof of the school seemed the perfect plan, but Taka leaps to her rescue and the pair lands back in Konan! Now Miaka must teach Taka to survive in the world of the book as they search for an unknown enemy.

3. OAV 3 -The Mysterious Play (Story of Takiko)

1996 - Season 3

2. OAV 2 -The Mysterious Play (Story of Takiko)

1996 - Season 3

1. OAV 1 -The Mysterious Play (Story of Takiko)

1996 - Season 3

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