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10. Zora (2)

No release date yet

Kurt Neumann heuert überraschend bei Vincents Team an. Auch er will künftig als Private Military Contractor arbeiten. „Trig" und „Hacksaw" sind skeptisch, doch Romy, die inzwischen ihr Herz für den ehemaligen Agenten entdeckt hat, macht sich für den Neuzugang stark. Zora sucht das Gespräch mit ihrem Vater.

9. Deep Fake

2020 - Season 1

Peter er klar til at overtage sin virksomhed igen, men tilbage i Dublin bliver han mødt med beskyldninger, der kan koste ham alt. Neuman får endelig fat i Vincent og konfronterer ham.

8. The Alamo

2020 - Season 1

Zora udnytter, at Peter er borte, og går videre med sine planer, på trods af følgerne for hendes familie. I mellemtiden indleder Peters datter Jane en farlig affære med Vincents bror, Danny.

7. The Hunted

2020 - Season 1

I et forsøg på at flygte kommer Vincent og Peter i en vaskelig situation, og Peters liv havner endnu engang i Vincents hænder.

6. Hot-Zone

2020 - Season 1

Vincent og Peter ankommer i Congo, men Grace er forsvundet. De lægger en plan for at redde hende, mens agenten Kurt Neumann er besat af tanken om at konfrontere Vincent.

5. Process Of Elimination

No release date yet

Peter realizes how far Zora is willing to go and takes desperate measures to stop her. Vincent tries to convince Peter that it's a bad idea for both of them to go to Africa.

4. Vectors

2020 - Season 1

During a charity gala for the Panacea project, Peter confronts his sister. Vincent is put under pressure, and Grace is called out on a dangerous mission before the gala ends in disaster.

3. Der Maulwurf

No release date yet

Hinter dem Rücken ihres Bruders führt Zora konspirative Gespräche mit russischen Oligarchen in Moskau. Ginge es nach ihr, dann würde der nächste Raketenstart der Swann-Gruppe nicht den Armen und Kranken nutzen, sondern viel Geld auf die Konten der superreichen Investoren und auf ihr eigenes Konto spülen. Peter und Grace ahnen nichts von der Verschwörung.

2. Entanglements

2020 - Season 1

Peter hires Vincent and his team as bodyguards, while they investigate who is behind the attacks. When they discover that his daughter Jane is missing, they are forced to come up with a risky plan.

1. Snipe Hunt

2020 - Season 1

Multi-billionaire Peter Swann is starting a satellite-supported project that aims to detect disease outbreaks at an early stage in order to be able to intervene more quickly. But the rocket that is supposed to take the satellite into space explodes shortly after it has been launched. His fiancée, doctor Grace Davila, then persuades him to hire security professional Vincent Corbo to investigate the incident.

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