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Where to watch "Danger Mouse"

7. The Intergalactic 147

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A giant spaceship, which is part of the "Intergalactic 147" snooker game, is headed straight for Earth in order to sink it into a black hole.

6. Heavy Duty

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Dr. Crumhorn has overtaken London with concrete-swimming land sharks, and things get really dicey when Penfold becomes shark bait.

5. Pillow Fright

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Danger Mouse must stop Baron Greenback's attempt to take over London with his army of remote-controlled, allergy-causing pillows.

4. Rhyme and Punishment

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After Penfold writes his memoir of his life with Danger Mouse, Dr. Crumhorn "Kazonks" them into a hallucinatory world.

3. There's a Penfold in My Suit

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To investigate why all the European countries have swapped places, Danger Mouse and Penfold head to Bratislowakia and find something even worse.

2. Ants, Trees and Whoops-a-Daisy

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Danger Mouse and Penfold are off to the Amazon Jungle where a mysterious tribe have been sacrificing people to an ant god.

1. Crumhorn Strikes Back!

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While Danger Mouse and Penfold are in New York, Doctor Augustus P. Crumhorn III poses as a young girl and claims her father was kidnapped.

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