13. The Last Rabbit

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Sarah (Stella Baker) is offered the chance for Greylock to receive international recognition, but at a great personal cost and turns to Grover (Ian Duff) for support.

12. Two Imposters

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When Danny (Luke Mitchell) shares good news aboutGreylock’s finances, Sarah (Stella Baker) winds up in a debate that traps her between her two closest friends. Corinne (Hope Lauren) is trying to right her wrongs, but she can’t catch a break, especially after Sarah drops a major bombshell. Meanwhile, Bella (Landry Bender) and Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) get creative with each of their school projects, which helps Sarah and Grover (Ian Duff) in ways they didn’t realize they needed.

11. Pledge Allegiance

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As Sarah (Stella Baker) and Paul (guest star Xander Berkeley) start to make headway in their relationship, Ellen (Megan Follows) surprises everyone by coming home earlier than expected. Weston (guest star Daniel di Tomasso) has a big break in his story and turns to Sarah for help. Danny (Luke Mitchell) accidently makes things harder for Corinne (Hope Lauren), leaving her with a tough choice about some of the people in her life. Meanwhile, Maya (Izabella Alvarez) struggles with whether to appear at her mom’s parole hearing and turns to her dad and Bella (Landry Bender) for advice.

10. From Simple Sources

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Greylock is threatened with a massive flood as unseasonably warm weather melts the snow from the recent blizzard. Knowing Greylock will be underwater in hours, Sarah (Stella Baker) must ask for help from the last person she wants to rely on: Paul (guest star Xander Berkeley). Grover (Ian Duff) is challenged by his therapist to lean into what makes him happy, while Bella (Landry Bender) and Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) take a big step in their relationship.

9. Sons and Daughters

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When Corrine (Hope Lauren) confides in Sarah (Stella Baker) about what happened with Danny (Luke Mitchell), Corinne also admits that she needs Sarah's help with something she has always questioned. Sarah confronts Danny about what happened leaving Danny to make a decision about his future. Bella (Landry Bender) knows that her dad is struggling and wants to help him, but she wants to redefine the terms of their relationship that works for both of them. Meanwhile, Maya (Izabella Alvarez) admits to Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) about feeling guilty about liking her new life without her mom, so Tyler shares his own experience to help her feel better.

8. The Perfect Conditions for Disaster

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After an unexpected snowstorm leaves Greylock stranded with no plows, Sarah (Stella Baker) and the town come up with a creative plan to clear the roads. During the storm, Sarah gets two unexpected guests and tries to figure out how to navigate both circumstances. Corinne (Hope Lauren) and Danny (Luke Mitchell) are forced to deal with what happened after they can't go anywhere due to the snow. Meanwhile, AJ (Nia Holloway) and Grover (Ian Duff) are hunkering down at Sweetie Pie when Bella (Landry Bender) returns home early from school and reveals the reason why, leaving them surprised, and AJ to reveal her own bombshell to Grover.

7. Sanctuary

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With the government newly formed, Greylock’s fledgling congress must decide their immigration policy now that new people want to immigrate. Sarah (Stella Baker) and Danny (Luke Mitchell) are faced with someone from their past and have different reactions to the visitor. AJ (Nia Holloway) shares a personal secret with Grover (Ian Duff) to encourage him to get the help he needs. Danny helps Corinne (Hope Lauren) with some legal paperwork, but Corrine gets more than she bargained for. Meanwhile, Maya (Izabella Alvarez) discovers that Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) is a talented photographer and submits his photos to an upcoming art show, leaving Tyler upset.

6. A Show of Hands

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After a damaging magazine article is written about Sarah (Stella Baker), she realizes that it's time for Greylock to create a more representative government. With an election open to anyone, Danny (Luke Mitchell), Maya (Izabella Alvarez), AJ (Nia Holloway), and Corinne (Hope Lauren) take a shot at the four available seats. Meanwhile, AJ, Sarah, and Grover (Ian Duff) all find themselves facing complications in their respective love lives.

5. The Criminals it Deserves

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With Lydon’s workers causing problems, Sarah (Stella Baker) drafts an executive order to help protect Greylock’s residents, but her new law leaves one of their own facing consequences instead. Grover (Ian Duff) introduces Danny (Luke Mitchell) to a new friend, but they have more in common than Danny realizes. Maya (Izabella Alvarez) feels abandoned by everyone in her life, but Luis (guest star Salvatore Antonio) proves he’s in her corner. Meanwhile, AJ (Nia Holloway) ignores Corinne’s (Hope Lauren) advice when it comes to her relationship status.

4. In Us We Trust

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When Sarah (Stella Baker) discovers that everyone in Greylock is being charged foreign transaction fees, she enlists her friends to help her create own currency. Grover (Ian Duff) shares with Danny (Luke Mitchell) what really happened to Corinne (Hope Lauren) after he left. Bella (Landry Bender) and Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) try to find a way to make their relationship work long distance. Meanwhile, Ellen (Megan Follows) asks Sarah for help with her sobriety, which forces Sarah to learn to let go.

3. The Lines Between Us

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When the governor of New Hampshire closes Greylock’s borders, Sarah (Stella Baker) calls on Bella (Landry Bender), Tyler (Forrest Goodluck), and Maya’s (Izabella Alvarez) spunky teenage energy to help her solve the problem. Corinne (Hope Lauren) pushes Danny (Luke Mitchell) to reveal a secret that he’s been keeping from everyone, including Sarah and Ellen (Megan Follows). Meanwhile, an extreme act from Grover (Ian Duff) reveals the depth of his struggles with the recent loss of a loved one.

2. Power

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Sarah (Stella Baker) is faced with her first major challenge as a leader when Greylock’s power is shut off. Negotiating with utility companies doesn’t go as planned, so Sarah proposes a controversial new idea that involves inviting Danny (Luke Mitchell) and Lydon Industries back to town. After a pep talk from AJ (Nia Holloway), Sarah knows she must make some tough decisions, which causes problems for Grover (Ian Duff) and Corinne (Hope Lauren). Meanwhile, Bella (Landry Bender) pushes boundaries with her dad when it comes to spending time with Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) and Sarah, which leaves Maya (Izabella Alvarez) wondering if she misjudged Bella.

1. Pilot

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The bucolic tranquility of Greylock, New Hampshire is upended when a massive vein of coltan – an incredibly valuable mineral used in tech – is discovered under the town. State-backed mining company Lydon Industries swoops in with plans to extract the mineral, which will wipe Greylock off the map. With her friends and family in danger of losing their homes, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper (Stella Baker) vows to stop Lydon’s bulldozers. Leading Lydon’s efforts is Sarah’s estranged brother, Danny Cooper (Luke Mitchell). After enduring a difficult childhood at the hands of his mother, former New Hampshire state senator Ellen Cooper (Megan Follows), Danny is eager to exact his revenge on a community he feels abandoned him. Sarah enlists her friends – fellow teacher Corinne Dearborn (Hope Lauren), police officer Amy “AJ” Johnson (Nia Holloway), and diner manager Grover Simms (Ian Duff) – in the fight against Danny. There seems to be no way to stop the town’s impending demise, until Sarah proposes an oddly intriguing solution: Greylock could declare independence, since the town’s land was never properly claimed by the United States. With the help of a group of supporters that includes Sarah’s friends and three of her teenage students – LA transplant Maya Jiménez (Izabella Alvarez), introspective outsider Tyler Easterbrook (Forrest Goodluck), and preppy “popular girl” Bella Whitmore (Landry Bender) – they win the vote. Now, Sarah and her allies must confront an even more daunting task: building a country from scratch.

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