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Where to watch "Intelligence"

12. We Were Here, Now We Disappear

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Jimmy leads the local traffickers in putting up a united front against the American interlopers.

11. A Dark Alliance

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Reardon gains the advantage against the Americans; Mary learns that Blackmire is a CIA front.

10. The Heat Is On

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Mary comes up with a plan that will safeguard her as a CSIS informant.

9. A Woman Inside

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Mary persuades Reardon to split his eastern drug connections between two rival gangs.

8. Flipping the Script

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Mary is pressured by the CIA to stop her investigation of the Blackmire group.

7. A Sweet Deal With the Devil

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Mary learns that Reardon may be able to provide valuable intel.

6. Something in the Air

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Reardon struggles to stay one step ahead of the growing extradition threats.

5. Love and Conspiracy

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Mary is ordered to gather intel on her lover; Reardon punishes an opportunistic drug supplier.

4. A Man and Woman Betrayed

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Reardon fights to finalize the Bahama Bank deal; Mary is asked to stop a story from being printed.

3. A Man Underground

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Reardon struggles to keep peace; Mary goes head to head with the FBI.

2. A Man Is Framed

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Reardon faces murder charges; Mary races to uncover the truth behind Reardon's setup.

1. A Man Escapes

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Royden is found killed while under CSIS surveillance; Reardon goes on the run.

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