601. Sidste overlevelsesskole

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Bear ser tilbage på sine mest mindeværdige overlevelsesoplevelser fra serien. Men hvilke situationer har han udvalgt pga. de unikke udfordringer, de udgjorde?

30. Overlevelsesskolen 30

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Bear ser tilbake på de mest minneverdige overlevelsesepisodene fra serien. Men hvilke situasjoner velger han for å illustrere unike utfordringer?

6. Ultimate Survival School

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Bear looks back at the most memorable experiences he had to face from the series. But which situations did he pick out for the unique challenges they posed?

5. Mountains

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Bear heads to the Dolomites mountain range in Italy to re-live the experience of alpine survivors and face the extreme challenges they had to face. How will he get on?

4. Canyons

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Bear heads to a dramatic canyon in North Africa to re-live the experience of canyon survivors and face the extreme challenges they had to face. How will he get on?

3. Desert

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Bear heads to Morocco's searing Sahara Desert to re-live the experience of desert survivors and face the extreme challenges they had to face. How will he get on?

2. Jungle

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Bear enters the remote Guatemalan jungle to re-live the experiences of jungle survivors and face the extreme challenges they had to face. How will he get on?

1. Snow

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Bear heads to Canada's snow covered Pacific Coast mountains to re-live the experience of snow survivors and face the extreme challenges they had to face. How will he get on?

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