6. Birth

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Unpack the science of hormones, infertility, epigenetics and more as expectant parents navigate the challenges and wonders of pregnancy and birth.

5. Sense

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A figure-skating duo masters jumps, a perfumer evokes memories, and a singer who is deaf learns pitch through the power and flexibility of the senses.

4. Defend

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It's complex, invisible and always changing. Explore how our immune system fends off microscopic threats with extreme precision and speed.

3. Fuel

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Home to a sophisticated ecosystem, the human gut processes the fuel our bodies need to thrive — whether we're fasting or running an ultramarathon.

2. Pulse

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The heart powers us through extreme physical and emotional challenges, from an ice climber's dangerous ascent to a widow’s grief and resilience.

1. React

No release date yet

Through the eyes of a boxer, a first responder and a man with a bionic hand, see how the brain and its vast nervous system turn information into action.

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