8. The Great Fire of 1657

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As an army approaches, Akemi must choose her path. While Taigen risks his life for the royal family, Mizu remains hell-bent on her mission.

7. Nothing Broken

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Fowler, bound for Edo, reveals the terrifying scope of his plans. Akemi braces herself for her upcoming wedding. Mizu and Taigen return home.

6. All Evil Dreams and Angry Words

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Determined to see Fowler dead, Mizu scrapes up all the wits, grit and strength she has left to make her way through his castle's defenses.

5. The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride

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During a desperate battle, Mizu remembers another life — and a lesson she learned the hard way.

4. Peculiarities

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Akemi embarks on a new career and Mizu searches for a way to reach Fowler, bringing them both to Madame Kaji's rather unusual establishment.

3. A Fixed Number of Paths

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Taigen proposes a deal, and Mizu receives an invitation to tea. Life on the road turns out to be more challenging than Akemi imagined.

2. An Unexpected Element

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With a squad of deadly assassins on her trail, Mizu forges ahead — but hits a hiccup when she and Ringo arrive in town on a festival day.

1. Hammerscale

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Lone-wolf warrior Mizu gets stuck with an unexpected travel companion, while Princess Akemi grasps for a way to control her future.

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