4. Setting Sail for Freedom

No release date yet

Underwater archaeologists search for the wreck of the USS Planter, a Civil War vessel seized by Freedom Seekers to escape the Confederacy. In Canada, experts use high tech to uncover how Freedom Seekers lived once they made it to their new homeland.

3. Contradictions in the Atlantic

No release date yet

Archaeologists uncover evidence of a Freedom Seeker community in a surprising location, the swampy marshlands between Virginia and North Carolina; in Maryland, experts investigate artifacts that may confirm the location of Harriet Tubman's childhood home.

2. Midwest Refuge

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Archaeologists unearth the lost community of Quindaro, Kansas, a long-forgotten abolitionist town that shielded Freedom Seekers from bounty hunters, and in Illinois, experts use high-tech tools to explore a secret underground tunnel.

1. Seeking Southern Sanctuary

No release date yet

Retracing the steps of freedom seekers escaping on the Underground Railroad, archaeologists use high tech to explore a Florida fort that was nearly erased from history and thermal drones to reveal caves of refuge in Texas along a secret road to Mexico.

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