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Where to watch "Double Dragon"

13. Day of the Undertown Dragons

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The double dragons come across an old foe in the undertown.

12. Return of the Shadow Monster

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After thinking they have finally defeated Shadow Master, the double dragons are surprised to learn that he has returned.

11. The Sight of Freedom

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The Double Dragons must try to stop the Shadow Master once in for all, in order to gain total freedom from him.

10. The Ancients Arrive

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The Shadow Master ressurects the ancient dragon lords.

9. Shadow Conned

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The Double Dragon's are tricked and end up in one of the Shadow Master's traps.

8. Spirit in the Sword

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The Shadow Master steals a sword and hopes that he can unleash an evil spirit from within.

7. RPM

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The shadow master devolves a new addictive drug that gives its users supper strength.

6. Super Highway Warriors

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The Double Dragon's face off against a group of super charged highway thugs.

5. Undertown

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The Double Dragon's enter into the deadly underground fight clubs.

4. Virtual Reality Bites

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The Shadow Master transfers the Double Dragon's into a virtual reality game, where virtual soon becomes reality.

3. Doom Claw

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Shadow Master has told the city when doomsday will come and it's up to the Double Dragon's to stop it.

2. Shadow Claw

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A group called Shadow Claw are formed and are out for themselves, they won't take orders from Shadow Master. Now the Double Dragon's must stop them.

1. Shadow Khan

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Shadow Khan is sent after the Double Dragon's by the Shadow Master, in order to prove his loyalty.

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