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Where to watch "Pohjolan laki"

8. 8. Tuotantokauden viimeinen jakso - Totuus

2020 - Season 1

Ritarinmäki has driven Matti and Eeva against each other in the courtroom. The truth about Patrik's actions is finally revealed. It affects not only the result of the case, but also the common future of Mati and Eeva.

7. 7. Benson59

2020 - Season 1

Eeva, who lives with Sofia, is disappointed when her mother hides the truth again. Matti is ready to give up on the Ritarinmäki case, but gets a clue from a surprising party, which keeps the case alive.

6. 6. Umpikuja

2020 - Season 1

Matti defends a police officer suspected of murder and loses an important witness in the Ritarinmäki case. Eeva, who is at a dead end with Matti, gets advice from Sofia to take a break from her current life, including Matti.

5. 5. Kaikki isäni perheet

2020 - Season 1

Matti shares his aggravating information about Patrik with women of the Benson family. Matti is sure it is a police matter, but Sofia is not convinced by the evidence and Eeva has to decide which side to take.

4. 4. Pacta sunt servanda

2020 - Season 1

Wedding anniversary is pushed aside, when Eeva have to help in a important business case and Matti investigates weird water quality results from Ritarinmäki. Matti dares finally open up to Arkivuo.

3. 3. Purkkateoria

2020 - Season 1

Matti helps his sister in trouble and finds more strange things from Patrik's past and Rissanen's insurance cases. Eeva opens up to a gynecologist and discovers a new side in Sofia.

2. 2. Oikeutta kaikille

2020 - Season 1

Matti is learning the ways of the Arkivuo office, gets frustrated with the cat fights and investigates the case left from Patrik. Eeva manages to take care of her work in the midst of grief and gets a visit from a stranger, that changes her perception of her father.

1. 1. Onnellisten koti

2020 - Season 1

Lawyer Matti Pohjola is becoming a partner in family owned Benson law firm, when a tragedy in the family derails him. Matti leaves for a smaller law firm, but takes one case with him.

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