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Where to watch "Remember WENN"

13. All's Noisy on the Pittsburgh Front

1998 - Season 4

As World War II breaks out, Jeff again proposes to Hilary, and Scott earns Betty's contempt when she misunderstands a phone call.

12. At Cross Purposes

1998 - Season 4

Jeff dons female attire to avoid the official serving him papers from Pavla---and soon the whole gang gets dragged into the charade.

11. The Sunset Also Rises

1998 - Season 4

As they prepare for the advent of a new medium, staffers try their hands at writing a television script.

10. Past Tense, Future Imperfect

No release date yet

Betty sits down with Maple and reminisces about her first days at the station, including her now fleeting relationship with Victor.

9. Work Shift

1998 - Season 4

Staffers switch roles at the behest of a philosopher (Greg Germann) conducting an experiment in relationships.

8. Pratfall

1998 - Season 4

Jeff and Scott become rivals when both are nominated for the same radio award.

7. The Follies Of WENN

1998 - Season 4

As if the Winthrop brothers haven't had enough of WENN. Luke Winthrop pleads his case before Betty and Scott that his school is in dire need of one thousand dollars or it will be forced to close. What to do? Put on a burlesque show, of course. Maple, Eugenia, and Betty get their own solo numbers, Hilary gets to hold an audience in the palm of her hand...or glove, and Scott and Jeff do a comedy routine. Unfortunately, all this is taking place while certain residents of the Barbican Hotel for Women (Betty and Maple) are under scrutiny and if they're caught, they might lose their rooms. The surprise twist at the end is worth being raided for.

6. Birth of a Station

No release date yet

A major crisis arises when the phones are down and a pregnant lady comes to the station looking for the fictional Dr. Talbot to deliver her baby.

5. Hilary's Agent

No release date yet

Desperate to return to acting on Broadway, Hilary puts on a disguise and creates the identity of her own agent, who in turn drives everyone crazy with demands.

4. And If I Die Before I Sleep

No release date yet

The staff must stay awake for over two consecutive days In order to break a record for longest radio drama show.

3. You've Met Your Match

1998 - Season 4

Jeff and Scott's attempts to win the hearts of their respective loves culminates in a scheme involving an on-air game show.

2. Thanks a Lottery!

1998 - Season 4

Mr. Eldridge wins the lottery, but may be forced to retire when the new stockholder learns he's past the retirement age.

1. Some Time, Some Station

1998 - Season 4

After foiling Pruitt's plan to kill them, Betty and Scott pretend, for a brainwashed Victor's sake, that the past year---1941---never happened.

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