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Where to watch "UFO Witness"

8. Pleiadians and Alien

No release date yet

Ben and Melissa have documented dozens of alien abductions, but a recent trend has them concerned: some abductees have been communicating with their captors! Are extraterrestrials brainwashing their victims in a sadistic plot to dominate humanity?

7. Arcturians and Black Triangles

No release date yet

Ben and Melissa investigate reports of triangular black craft terrorizing Las Vegas residents. Even more chilling, these alarmingly advanced UFOs are able to abduct humans via their minds. If such claims are true, then the future of humanity is at risk.

6. Nordics and The Cube

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Ben and Melissa investigate strange happenings in Missouri, from sightings of cube-shaped craft to encounters with interdimensional beings. They believe a secret UFO hot spot called Marley Woods could be key to all the peculiar activity.

5. Grey Alien-Human Hybridization

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Ben and Melissa head to Colorado to investigate claims of human experimentation at the hands of emotionless grey extraterrestrials. Is there a connection between these twisted experiments and decades-old reports of grisly cattle mutilations?

4. Fireball and the Star People

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Ben and Melissa investigate reports of fireballs in the skies of northern Idaho. A recent uptick in sightings suggest whoever pilots these craft have a strange obsession with Lake Pend Oreille, but why? A series of ancient petroglyphs may provide clues.

3. The Undersea Alien Base

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Ben and Melissa turn their investigation towards a new threat after witnesses claim to have been abducted by preying mantis-like creatures and subjected to painful experiments in a facility deep below the sea.

2. Orbs and Insectoids

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Ben and Melissa have uncovered alarming reports of orb-shaped UFOs descending upon New England. Now, new testimonies reveal disturbingly close encounters with sadistic insect-like aliens. What is happening in America's northeast corridor?

1. The Shapeshifter

No release date yet

Ben and Melissa follow the trail of a shapeshifting UFO that seems intent on cracking our military secrets. The more they learn about the amorphous aircraft and its link to blue-skinned aliens, the more they realize it's unlike anything they've ever seen.

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