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Where to watch "That's My Mama"

13. Clifton's Casual Fling

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The guys tease Clifton for dating only one girl.

12. Get Your Kicks on Routes 22 and 76

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Clifton and Earl quarrel on the way to a wedding.

11. A Man From the Past

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When a man from Mama's past visits, Clifton starts wondering if the guest is his real father.

10. Queen of the Ribs

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It's an unbearable situation for everyone when Earl puts on airs to impress an intellectual woman.

9. Mama's Big Move

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Mama decides to move out to give Clifton privacy.

8. Clifton and La Femme

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A Haitian woman dates both Clifton and Junior.

7. Weekend Daddy

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Leonard's "adopted" son prefers Earl.

6. Earl's Dad and Mama's Glad

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Earl's father arrives for a visit and tries to convince Mama to invest in a get-rich-quick scheme.

5. A Date with Judy

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Clifton falls for a girl who isn't beautiful.

4. That's Earl, Brother

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A guilt-ridden Earl slips into depression when he's robbed at the barbershop.

3. Mama's Solution

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Mama tries to make ends meet by taking a job as a receptionist at Leonard's firm.

2. Business is Business

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Clifton's prospective partner doesn't want Earl.

1. The Birthday Party

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Leonard fuels hostility when he buys Mama a cemetery plot for her birthday.

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