5. Arabia

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The Middle East has a spectacular, but virtually unfilmed, natural history. From thick forests to remote deserts, if you look a little harder, the wildlife will amaze.

4. Caspian: Hidden in the Cradle

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At the the heart of one of the most ancient parts of the civilized world, the Caspian sea is the largest land locked body of water on earth. This terrain is home to some of the most unique, mysterious and prehistoric creatures on earth.

3. Jordan: Nature's Furnace

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The natural world of the Middle East is governed by one natural force - the Sun. It claims its victims and breathes new life. The wildlife in Jordan faces some of the natural worlds greatest chalenges.

2. Egypt: Survivors in the Sands

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Life in the decimate deserts of Egypt, seems impossible. However, beneath the surface Egypt is very much alive. Animals rule the land, skies and surrounding seas and thrive in the amazing climate.

1. Turkey: Life on the Edge

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Turkey is a land of contrasts, where the wildlife faces extreme challenges. Mountains, altitude, climatic changes, hostile coastlines and earthquakes all play their part but, somehow, the wildlife battles the odds and survives.

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