4. Disaster

No release date yet

IFC travels throughout Haiti from devastated Port-au-Prince to the beautiful, untouched countryside. Interwoven into Andrew Berends stories are those of other journalists who share their different takes and approaches on how to cover a disaster

3. Greed

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Charlie LeDuff moves back to Detroit to work for the Detroit News. Now the paper's bankrupt and Detroit is being swarmed daily as the epicenter of America's economic collapse. In reaction, he takes the Detroit experience and turns it inside out.

2. War

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Journalist Nir Rosen returns to Afghanistan to unravel an unspoken angle of America's strategy for winning the war: Reconstruction.

1. Fear

No release date yet

IFC follows political reporter Max Blumenthal deep into the heart of the Tea Party movement to uncover what makes them tick. Among his findings are that the conservative "grassroots uprising" might not be as organic as it seems.

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