6. The Lady Varnishes

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Long lost love--Amy Sedaris "Strangers With Candy" and Ed Asner "Mary Tyler Moore" guest star--Andy tries to prove that Lew's old flame, Rita Spaulding (guest star, Amy Sedaris "Strangers with Candy") is innocent after she has spent the past 40 years in prison.

5. The Big No Sleep

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Sleep deprived--Lew enlists Andy's help to investigate a dishonest doctor and his involvement with several of his attractive married patients.

4. Dial M for Laptop

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Tax day--Traci Lords "First Wave" and Frank Santorelli "The Sopranos" guest star--When Lew forgets to warn Andy about an upcoming case, Andy's laptop is stolen before he is able to send in his father-in-law's tax return.

3. Three Days of the Chicken

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The crazy chicken--When Wally, (Marshall Manesh) owner of the falafel restaurant is being scammed and forced to serve tainted chicken, Andy and Simon begin to investigate the chicken processing plant.

2. Fairway, My Lovely

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Hole in one -- When a client of Andy's drops dead while playing golf, his wife hires Andy to find the murderer.

1. Pilot

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Andy Richter re-teams with Conan O'Brien (series co-creator and executive producer) in this comedy as he portrays Andy Barker, an earnest, hard-working CPA who has succeeded at everything -- until his new accounting business fails to take off.

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