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Where to watch "Inked in Erie"

10. BikeFest

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It's the season finale of Inked in Erie from Harley Davidson's Bikefest 2013. Featuring Darrell Learn of Tattoo Approved, Amy Bella's Bikini Bike Wash, DJ Bill Page's Best Ink Contest and a special performance from Jasmine Cain.

9. Ultra Violet Ink

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Meet Doug Flores, a 14 year veteran of the ink scene who is known for bringing his 'West Coast Style' to Erie. Plus, 'Jimbo' turns off the lights to finish a Flagship in UV Ink and we catch up with Worst Ink Contest winner Tracy.

8. Photo Realistic

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Traveling artist Donald Gardner puts a photo on Cody's arm. Fred Zeiber works with Tori on her photo realistic half sleeve and 'Jimbo' Wilkins gives Becky a memorial to her mom.

7. Freehand Artists

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We introduce you to ink veteran Sam Snyder who does a freehand back piece on Shannon. Plus Melissa Hale returns to the show with a full sleeve in progress. Plus another Mark Swervey original.

6. The Piercing Special

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Many Tattoo Parlor's offer Piercing as a Service. We meet some of Erie's finest. Louis gets pierced, Randy gets a piercing and a Tattoo in the same day, and we catch up with 'Worst Ink' Contest Winner Tracy as she starts her cover up with 'Phat' Pat.

5. 'Hood Monday

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We meet 'Ms. Mo' Schreffler at Zink Tattoo where she helps Shayla and Boss celebrate their relationship in ink. Plus Lee tries to over comes her fear of clowns with a clown tattoo and we introduce you to Teddy Rex, one of the area's newest artists who goes 'old school' on Molly.

4. The Military Special

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It's our Special Memorial Day episode featuring members of our Armed Forces. Nick Hanna at Game Over does a cover up on Mark, a US Marine. Meet Nate, a Marine Corp Sharp Shooter who honors his brotherhood, and Army Vet Jack returns for a special piece.

3. Melissa and Candi

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We meet Melissa Hale, a Florida Ink Star who returns to her roots to pursue her art and passion for ink. Also, meet Candi, an art teacher and artist who gets a cover up to better represent her life now. Plus Candy and Keila get inked at Bay City for two very different reasons.

2. Alexis and Natalie

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In this episode, we talk to Fred Zeiber, the outspoken owner of Zink Tattoo. Plus, we meet Alexis and Natalie, two best friends who get inked together for two very different reasons.

1. Jack and Rachel

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Meet Jack, an Army Vet and Terminal Cancer Patient with a last wish to get his first tattoo - only his family refuses to allow it. But with help from the community, Pat Stephens does the work in secret. Plus Rachel, a young mother who's new tattoo means more than all her previous ink.

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