9. Perfect Alibi Story

2017 - Season 4

Informer's murder in Rome exposes another impersonator of Steve.

8. Havana Microfilm Story

2017 - Season 4

Steve searches Havana for spy with microfilm secrets.

7. Archeological Story

2017 - Season 4

Steve seeks missing goddess in Trans-Jordan area.

6. Black Hood Story

2017 - Season 4

In Berlin Steve trails purse snatchers who took valuable briefcase.

5. Venetian Story

2017 - Season 4

In Venice Steve seeks code machine apparatus.

4. Stolen Letter

2017 - Season 4

Steve exposes South American country's plot against the US.

3. Death in the Morgue Story

2017 - Season 4

Steve probes sabotage of US base in Morocco.

2. Decoy Story

2017 - Season 4

International opportunist masquerades as Steve.

1. Assassin Ring Story

2017 - Season 4

Steve goes to Middle East to prove United State innocent in assassination.

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