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Where to watch "Gigi Does It"

8. Love Thyself

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When Gigi is finally ready to re-enter the Boca dating scene, she and Ricky attend a speed dating event in an attempt to find love.

7. Whine

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When Tretchy, Gigi's frenemy, condescendingly tells Gigi that she couldn't hang with Boca's elite, Gigi embarks to one up Tretchy at her own charity event.

6. Let's Get Schvitzical

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After Gigi visits a sex therapist, she realizes that the game has changed and enrolls in gymnastics to work on her flexibility.

5. Eat Something

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Gigi explores the culinary world in hopes of learning to cook a meal that will win the heart of the newest bachelor at the retirement home.

4. A Regular Kristy Yamatushy

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Due to her late husband's ice skating injury, Gigi quit the sport. In her new found freedom Gigi revisits her pastime and discovers that Ricky has a secret aptitude for figure skating.

3. Wart-a-colors

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Gigi decides it is time to overcome her lifelong body image issues and attends a local art class to pose nude for a portrait.

2. Call Your Grandma

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Upset that her grandson won't return her calls, Gigi decides to write a children's book about the perils of not respecting your grandmother.

1. Glock Schlock

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Gigi Rotblum inherits her late husband's secret fortune, hires an assistant and decides she wants to buy a gun for protection against intruders.

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