101. Ex on the Beach - Norge

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100. Snart braker det løs!

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Tidligere deltakere kommenterer første episode av den nye sesongen som starter tirsdag.

24. Episode 24

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Krangelen fra forrige episode fortsetter. Ferien er snart over, og det skal feires!

23. Episode 23

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Harmonien i villaen har har satt seg, men det snur seg fort når padden ønsker ærlighet.

22. Episode 22

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Christian er lei av oppførselen til Victoria. Det hjelper heller ikke at Preben og Victoria har funnet tonen. Det blir heftig overtenning under kostymefest, som snur på humøret.

21. Episode 21

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Gjengen reiser på «pool party», hvor et nytt par finner tonen.

20. Episode 20

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Både Christian og Michael har klart å dumme seg ut. Michael finner ut at han har sterkere følelser for Anette etter gårsdagens flause. Men blir fristelsen for stor når det kommer nok en ny ex?

19. Episode 19

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Hemmeligheter blusser opp dramaet mellom Preben og Anette. Fristelsen blir stor for Mikael når en ny ex ankommer.

18. Episode 18

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Løfter blir brutt etter en meget vellykket date. Mistolkning fører til at par splittes.

17. Episode 17

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Det er på tide med «Gladiator Ex Games». De nye parene blomstrer, mens de gamle brister.

16. Episode 16

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Det er ikke alle parene som kommer nærmere hverandre når hele villaen blir gjort om til en restaurant. Men først står «paddens mørke lek» for tur.

15. Episode 15

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Christian angrer seg etter gårsdagens hendelse. En svært begeistret jente blir invitert på date av en ny deltager.

14. Episode 14

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Gjengen drar på skattejakt. Det blir utskiftninger av sengepartnere når en godt likt ex ankommer. Christian møter på uforventet fristelse som han ikke klarer å motstå.

13. Episode 13

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De nye jokerne viser seg å være en trussel for flere av jentene. Nye par skapes og gamle par brytes.

12. Setting Sail On A Relation-Ship

2022 - Season 5

After the Table of Truth leaves the villa in disarray, the singles must make the ultimate decision about whether they’re leaving the island with their ex, next or simply alone. Who will be left at the dock?

11. Where's The Lie?

2022 - Season 5

Derynn is sent to the Shack of Secrets where a surprise guest adds a real perspective on her relationship with Ricky. Ray’s player ways catch up with him when Alexis exposes a secret. The final Table of Truth puts everyone in the hot seat.

10. Something Like The Truth

2022 - Season 5

An ex arrives at the worst time to completely upend a recently sparked romance between Da’vonne and Alain. The Shack of Secrets adds tension and makes one couple question their relationship in seven minutes while going through each other’s phone.

9. Exes Court Is Now In Session

2022 - Season 5

Kyra is torn; she must choose between Emily and David, resulting in one of them spiraling into a jealous fit. Mike’s explosive behavior pushes Arisce further away. Secrets will be told as the couples face the Table of Truth for the ultimate judgment.

8. Ready For More Baggage?

2022 - Season 5

A new Ex shows up bearing gifts with a surprise twist. Bryce is heartbroken and left in tears after some shocking news is shared with him about Nicole. The Shack of Secrets brings in more baggage than the house can handle.

7. You Can't Get Divorced Twice

2022 - Season 5

Kyra and David’s relationship is put to the test when the ex they feared shows up. The Table of Truth makes everyone at the villa question their own realities. Ranin and Elias struggle to figure out what friendship means to them after divorce.

6. Seeing Is Believing

2022 - Season 5

An ex arrives to try to claw her way back into Ricky’s life causing tension at the villa. Bryce makes all the wrong moves with Nicole. The Shack of Secrets shows Dani a truth that she can’t ignore.

5. The Ex-Husband and the Best Friend

2022 - Season 5

Ray and his ex Nicole P. disagree over what their relationship was, David takes a chance on pursuing Kyra, and the housemates hone their listening skills at the Table of Truth.

4. Wait, That's Not an Ex

2022 - Season 5

Arisce and Mike's relationship hits rocky waters, Ricky turns on the charm for Derynn, Dani deals with David's wandering eye, and two new singles step onto the sand.

3. The Lengths We Go To Lie To An Ex

2022 - Season 5

The Table of Truth reveals the lengths that Jamar will go to keep a secret from his exes, while Ray’s player ways catch up with him. The arrival of a new ex disrupts an escalating love triangle at the villa.

2. Ain't That a Beach

2022 - Season 5

Derynn's ex Ricky washes ashore, David finds himself caught in two love triangles, and Da'Vonne gets summoned to the Shack of Secrets to piece together Jamar's past.

1. Can You Handle the Table of Truth?

2022 - Season 5

A new group of reality star singles arrive in Gran Canaria, where Arisce kicks off a spicy sex talk that reveals big secrets and the contestants get a dose of reality at the Table of Truth.

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