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Where to watch "Dharmakshetra"

26. Episode 26

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The trial is thrown into awe and confusion when Chitragupta is replaced for a final testimony: that of Krishna, the court's sole missing member.

25. Episode 25

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Ved Vyas, the author of the epic himself, is brought before Chitragupta to explain why he portrayed events and characters the way he did.

24. Episode 24

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Royal adviser Vidur is brought before the court to defend his choice to remain neutral during the war and answer questions about his true intentions.

23. Episode 23

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The youngest siblings of the Pandava clan are brought before Chitragupta's court, but Nakul and Sahdev offer no explanation in their own defense.

22. Episode 22

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Karna must face a difficult question about which side he chose to support in the Kurukshetra War by taking up arms against his own brothers.

21. Episode 21

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A man of deep loyalty and courage, the mighty weapon-wielding warrior Karna comes before the court as a legendary figure betrayed by destiny.

20. Episode 20

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The blind king Dhritarashtra was considered a just ruler, but has his lifelong condition also blinded him to his own missteps and bad judgments?

19. Episode 19

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His gruesome and tragic death notwithstanding, Dushasan stands trial for blindly following his brother Duryodhana's orders during the conflict.

18. Episode 18

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A surprising accuser exposes a weakness in Yudhishthir's defense, putting the victorious leader's self-assured demeanor to the test.

17. Episode 17

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Leader of the successful Pandava side in the war, the handsome but humble King Yudhishthir steps forward to provide his testimony with confidence.

16. Episode 16

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Facing only one charge, that of adharma, son of fire Dhristadyumna is defiantly unrepentant when he comes before his accusers in Chitragupta's court.

15. Episode 15

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The scorned queen Gandhari's sacrifices and life of virtue earned her nothing but enmity, so now she uses her trial as an opportunity for revenge.

14. Episode 14

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Despite his many sacrifices, head of the family Bheeshma faces the charge that he may be the reason for their most serious losses.

13. Episode 13

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The immortal Bheeshma is shocked when he's summoned by Chitragupta to face serious accusations, but is deeply moved by the sight of his family.

12. Episode 12

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Well aware of Bheem's weaknesses, the giant warrior's many opponents try to exploit their knowledge during his trial testimony.

11. Episode 11

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A daunting foe on the battlefield during the war, Bheem has many enemies waiting to accuse him of misdeeds when he steps forward to defend himself.

10. Episode 10

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One of the war's fiercest fighters and most prolific killers, the immortal Ashwatthama must argue his case when accused of a long litany of crimes.

9. Episode 9

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A figure of pity and scorn, the widow Kunti sentenced the same daughter-in-law to marry all five of her sons. Will she pay for her controversial ways?

8. Episode 8

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Attempting to exonerate himself, warrior Arjun must handle the unexpected accusations that pop up during the remainder of his court testimony.

7. Episode 7

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Steadfast warrior and favorite pupil of the guru Drona, the archer Arjun is surprisingly accused by his ally Mayasura, architect of the Maya Bhavan.

6. Episode 6

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No longer the teacher, preceptor Drona becomes the subject being tested, while many on both sides question the prosecution of the legendary guru.

5. Episode 5

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The widely respected guru Drona is called before the court and his own former students on both sides to defend himself by confronting his past.

4. Episode 4

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As Duryodhana's testimony comes to a conclusion, the bitter enemy of his Pandava cousins awaits the verdict of Maharaj Chitragupta's court.

3. Episode 3

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The world-conquering Duryodhana faces the court with confidence, but will the luck of the eldest of the hundred Kauravas continue off the battlefield?

2. Episode 2

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Fallen king and gifted orator Shakuni begins his defense, weaving an eloquent web of words that may or may not sway his accusers to his point of view.

1. Episode 1

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Draupadi, wife to the Pandavas and ostensibly the cause of the Kurukshetra War, is called to testify in the celestial court of Maharaj Chitragupta.

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