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Where to watch "Legend Hunters"

8. Sea Monster Hunters

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Legend Hunters search the waters of British Columbia, Canada to discover the truth behind the creatures of the deep.

7. The Ark of the Covenant

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Legend Hunters, led by Graham Phillips, decipher clues and search for the final resting place of the ancient Ark of the Covenant.

6. Myths of the Iroquois

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Mason Windfield and has team investigate Iroquois Legends and find an ancient burial ground and an exorcism that went horribly wrong.

5. Alien Hunters

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Alien Hunter Alex Mistretta investigates UFO sightings hoping to see one for the first time since becoming a UFO researcher.

4. Hunters of Noah's Ark

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The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the most enduring tales of the Old Testament. Thought to rest in Turkey, discovery of the Ark has been the focus of many explorers throughout the ages.

3. Hunters of the Holy Grail

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The Holy Grail, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper has inspired countless searches in numerous countries by adventurers, knights and kings.

2. Ghost Hunters

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Legend Hunters try, for the first time, to put a name and a face to Ghosts haunting the State of North Carolina.

1. Bigfoot Hunters

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Legend Hunters try to determine if a eight foot tall ape runs wild in North America.

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