15. Destination Earth

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Junior and Barney encounter evil scientists with a time machine that can return the Space Nuts to Earth.

14. Flight of the Pippets

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The tiny occupants of a three-foot flying saucer prove dangerous adversaries for Junior when they reduce him to two inches tall.

13. Birds of a Feather

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Junior and Barney arrive on the planet Vultran, inhabited by a race of bird people.

12. Dangerous Game

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Junior and Barney land on a planet where they encounter a wealthy lady whose obsession is hunting.

11. The Three Spaceketeers

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Junior decides to run away into the woods, where he meets some alien men who believe him to be their secret leader.

10. Barney Begonia

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An eccentric botanical scientist sends a mysterious ray that accidentally hits Barney, transforming him into a half-man/half-begonia.

9. Tower of Tagot

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While Junior and Barney explore a strange planet, the beautiful Queen of the Serrians becomes imprisoned high in the Tower of Tagot.

8. Galaxy's Greatest Athlete

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Two weird female space beings assume Barney must be the strongest being in the universe when they observe him lifting the space capsule.

7. Captain Torque - Space Pirate

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Captain Torque, the mad space pirate, seizes Junior and Barney and holds them aboard his spaceship.

6. Secrets of the Hexagon

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Junior and Barney get tricked into trading their ship for a mysterious hexagon key that supposedly operates a duplicating machine.

5. Vanishing Aliens Mystery

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Junior and Barney are forced to land on a station in deep space, where many aliens have disappeared without a trace.

4. Fantastic Journey

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When a mad scientist takes control of a super laboratory, he recruits Junior and Barney as his genius assistants.

3. The Robots of Pod

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Junior and Barney must help overthrow the evil ruler of a robot planet and regain the throne for a beautiful princess.

2. The Crystallites

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Junior and Barney find themselves on a planet inhabited by people made of crystal.

1. It’s All in Your Mind

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Junior and Barney land on a planet that is controlled by a massive computer attempting to absorb their minds.

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