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Where to watch "Echo Point"

130. Episode 130

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It's Coral and Hopper's wedding day and Frannie is stuck chained to a tree for her protest. Darcy is confused about his relationship with Zac.

129. Episode 129

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128. Episode 128

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Frannie is upset a fig tree is being cut down to build a car-park by the harbour. Coral and Hopper have a lovely day at the beach. Darcy and Zac are visited by Rita.

127. Episode 127

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Lisa tries talking to the boy she likes. Belinda and Coral visits Daniel in jail. Dave decides to leave Echo Point. Gillian is impressed by Dean at work.

126. Episode 126

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125. Episode 125

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Shelley convinces a bitter Zac to come out partying with her. Dave's wife comes to the Shed during Frannie's shift. Dean gets a job working at the hospital.

124. Episode 124

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Daniel's lawyer tells him they have their work cut out for them. Zac is fired from the Garden Centre after fighting with Edwina. Belinda is devastated as Daniel is refused bail and lead away to jail. Dave has a visitor.

123. Episode 123

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Zac continues to refuse to have anything to do with Edwina. Edwina, upset by Zac's treatment of her, turns to Dean for help. Belinda is devasted on finding she's been misquoted in the paper.

122. Episode 122

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Coral is furious to find Belinda being interviewed about Daniel. Dean's trap against Nathan goes ahead. Neville comes to terms with Frannie and Dave's relationship. Daniel is arrested for murder.

121. Episode 121

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Dean sets a trap to finally prove Nathan is not to be trusted. Zac is uneasy about his part in Daniel's trouble with the police. Belinda agrees to be interviewed by a journalist to tell Daniel's side of the story.

120. Episode 120

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119. Episode 119

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Hopper starts to share Dean's doubts about Nathan. Dean offers to comfort Edwina as Zac continues to reject her. Zac finds a gun on Daniel's property.

118. Episode 118

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117. Episode 117

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Shelley, having isolated herself, decides to leave Echo Point. Belinda accepts Daniel's dinner invitation and goes without Coral. Dean and Nathan's hostility towards each other quickly grows.

116. Episode 116

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Edwina has emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Neville is jealous as Trish is won over by Michael's charm. Frannie becomes annoyed at Neville's overprotective behaviour.

115. Episode 115

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Marty welcomes his dad's arrival to take him back to the farm. Daniel decides not to charge Zac over damaging the Garden Centre. Despite Hopper's scepticism, the talent quest at the Shed is a success. Zac is disgusted by Edwina's decision not to have the baby.

114. Episode 114

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113. Episode 113

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112. Episode 112

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Dean clocks up an enormous tab in attempting to woo Amanda. Despite her attempts to offend Daniel, Belinda is intrigued by him. Neville decides to raise money by holding a talent night at the Shed. Shelley is distraught when Dave, fed up with her behaviour, moves out.

111. Episode 111

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110. Episode 110

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109. Episode 109

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108. Episode 108

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Darcy is anxious over Zac's decision to marry Edwina, Gordon is devasted when Edwina tells him she's pregnant. Shelley's emotional hold over Dave continues. Marty, feeling sad and alone, takes solace in a bottle of alcohol.

107. Episode 107

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Dean narrowly escapes trouble after taking Neville's car. Belinda is hurt by Marty's continued abrupt treatment of her. Frannie is hurt by Shelley's manipulation of Dave

106. Episode 106

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Belinda continues to reject Daniel's attempts to be nice to her. Zac is ecstatic when Edwina accepts his proposal. Dean takes Neville's car.

105. Episode 105

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Edwina decides she can't go ahead with the pregnancy. Dean is miserable thinking he's failed his HSC exam. Belinda is angry that Coral is seeing Daniel.

104. Episode 104

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Dean decides to go back to school and employs Marty's help to study. Shelley asks Dave if she can move into his house and recover. Coral accepts Daniel's offer of dinner at his house.

103. Episode 103

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Hopper, seeing Wacka's true colours, decides to stay in Echo Point. Edwina's anxiety regarding what to do about her pregnancy continues. Shelley collapses on Dave's door.

102. Episode 102

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Coral begins to warm to Daniel's charming ways. Dean tells his family he's going to Bali to work for a leisure company. Zac is ecstatic at Edwina's news.

101. Episode 101

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Hopper is unsure about his decision to leave Echo Point. Dean finds himself in deep trouble over his muck up day prank. Edwina has a horrifying realisation.

100. Episode 100

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99. Episode 99

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Gordon is devastated at the wedding. Seeing a steamy film with Dace, Frannie walks out embarrassed. Belinda and Maurie decide to get Coral and Hopper back together

98. Episode 98

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97. Episode 97

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Hopper is beginning to feel crowded by Shelley's cloying ways. Belinda decides Coral and Hopper need encouragement to unite. Holly is thrown an impromptu party.

96. Episode 96

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Zac deals with the ramifications of crashing the truck. Reluctant to admit defeat, Dean considers returning to school. Holly, comforted by Jim Brahe, finds a passionate kiss.

95. Episode 95

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Darcy accepts Narelle's invitation to travel around Australia with her. Holly continues to be plagued by her doubts about the wedding. Edwina announces to Zac she haas put a deposit on a flat.

94. Episode 94

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Darcy becomes jealous as Narelle's secretive behaviour continues. Trish decides to teach Dean a few lessons about the world of business. Hopper feels crowded by Shelley.

93. Episode 93

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Unable to cope with the pressure, Dean decides to leave school. Coral agrees to keep Daniel informed about Belinda. Shelley continues to work her way into Hopper's life.

92. Episode 92

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Dean struggles to study as the Loman house is hit with the mumps. Rae interprets Hollys nightmares as her fear of getting married. Belinda and Coral question their decisions.

91. Episode 91

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90. Episode 90

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89. Episode 89

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88. Episode 88

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Holly's nightmares make her increasingly hostile to Gordon. Shelley is pleased to learn that Hopper has split from Coral.

87. Episode 87

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86. Episode 86

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Gordon fails to support Holly when Marty accuses her of killing Jenny. Dean is given an ultimatum by Neville for his poor work at school.

85. Episode 85

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Despite his fumbling, Dean arranges a date with a female camper. To Darcy's relief, Zac decides not to a delivery for Daryl.

84. Episode 84

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Marty isn't impressed to learn the real reason for Dean's camping idea. Frannie agrees to help Belinda hide from Coral. Zac defies Darcy.

83. Episode 83

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Dean decides to take some time off and go camping. Dave and Shelley try to come to a truce in their beleaguered relationship. Coral has a revelation for Belinda.

82. Episode 82

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Tempted by the offer of quick money, Zac agrees to another shady job. Dean offers Trish money to help him with their loan repayment to Daniel. In an attempt to keep Belinda away from Daniel, Coral forbids Belinda to go to the Bursary interview.

81. Episode 81

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80. Episode 80

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Edwina survives her first modelling job and receives $300. Hopper tells Coral he refuses to continue their estranged relationship. Holly and Gordon have very different ideas about their wedding. Shelley seduces Dave, convinced that he still loves her.

79. Episode 79

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78. Episode 78

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77. Episode 77

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With Dave's help, Zac secures a temporary job at the Bakery. Frannie stands up to Clive over his sexual harassment of her. Coral admits to Daniel that Belinda is his daughter.

76. Episode 76

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75. Episode 75

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Edwina assures Zac she loves him just the way he is. Daniel is shocked to discover Belinda is Coral's daughter. Clive's intentions towards Frannie may not be as innocent as they seem.

74. Episode 74

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73. Episode 73

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Coral's meeting with Elizabeth leaves her confused and hurt. Despite an eventful trial run, Dean is given the job at the Bakery. Frannie is full of excitement at her work experience with Clive.

72. Episode 72

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Daniel's investigation poses more questions than it answers. Dean fast talks his way into a job at the Bakery. At Belinda's request, Coral agrees to call her mother.

71. Episode 71

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Zac is stung by Gordon's insinuation that he has no ambition. Maurie comes out of retirement. Coral reacts angrily to Belinda's admission that she's seen her Gran.

70. Episode 70

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Maurie accepts Coral's offer of part-time work at the Bakery. Dave offers Shelley a relationship on his terms. Elizabeth's resolve at staying away from Coral starts to weaken. More clues are uncovered in Daniel's investigation.

69. Episode 69

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Zac and Edwina finally get the romantic holiday they planned. Daniel hires a private investigator to uncover the truth about his parents' death. Belinda meets her gran who says Coral must never know.

68. Episode 68

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Belinda is unable to go through with meeting her grandmother. Neville organises work experience for Frannie at his work. Zac and Edwina's plans for a romantic weekend go horribly wrong.

67. Episode 67

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66. Episode 66

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Belinda asks for Frannie's help in organising to meet her gran. Maurie is having a hard time recovering from the break-in. Despite Gordon's feelings, Edwina decides to go away with Zac.

65. Episode 65

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Coral is shocked by Maurie's decision to retire. Shelley tells Dave she can't cope with their relationship as it is. Edwina begs Holly not to tell Gordon about her weekend with Zac.

64. Episode 64

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Daniel's private investigator begins work in Echo Point. Dean is crushed by the arrival of Gillian's old boyfriend, as Edwina and Zac plan a romantic weekend away. Maurie is attacked at the Bakery, leaving his confidence shattered.

63. Episode 63

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Frannie admits she was wrong and decides to go back to school. Dean is seduced by an older woman. Daniel decides it's time to prove to Echo Point he's not a murderer.

62. Episode 62

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61. Episode 61

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60. Episode 60

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Dean thinks his luck's changed when he's seduced by an older woman. Edwina is mortified when her suspicious about Holly are proven false. Belinda is horrified to discover Coral has been lying to her for years.

59. Episode 59

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Darcy tells Dean he's been had. Frannie is shocked by what she finds out about Belinda's past. Edwina is horrified to see the man she saw with Holly at the party.

58. Episode 58

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57. Episode 57

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56. Episode 56

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Dave freezes when Shelley tells him she's falling in love with him. Neville helps Lis comes to terms with George's disappearance. Feeling deserted by her friends, Frannie declares she's had enough.

55. Episode 55

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Belinda tells Coral she's happy about her relationship with Hopper. Dave is angry that Shelley has broken her promise. The grunge newspaper is popular with everyone except Skinner.

54. Episode 54

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Neville asks Daniel for his old job back. Dean's plan of profiting from the newspaper seems to have worked. At the end of a romantic dinner, Coral invites Hopper to stay.

53. Episode 53

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52. Episode 52

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51. Episode 51

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50. Episode 50

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49. Episode 49

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Lisa meets George and their friendship gets off to a shaky start. Dead agrees to help Frannie sell her paper for a small profit. Neville is surprised to find his new boss is Daniel Blake.

48. Episode 48

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Frannie plans to introduce an alternative school newspaper. Shelley feels honoured to be the only one to know Dave's past. Coral plans a girls only night when she realises Belinda feels ignored.

47. Episode 47

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Dave, even though broke, plans to repay the stolen money to Gordon. Zac hands Gordon $100 and tells him the thieves have been caught. Belinda feels increasingly pushed out by Coral's new relationship.

46. Episode 46

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Gordon returns home to find out the truth behind the robbery. Darcy's discovery of Narelle's occupation hits him in the pocket. Trying to mend their relationship, Belinda hides her disappointment when Coral tells her she's going out with Hopper.

45. Episode 45

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44. Episode 44

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43. Episode 43

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Darcy's second attempt dating pleases not only him but Zac too. Frannie arranges for Marty and Belinda to work on the essay together. Marty and Belinda share a kiss, as Coral, nervous thinking about sex with Hopper, snaps: "I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did."

42. Episode 42

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Dave tells Shelley there are things about his past he wants to avoid. Zac encourages Darcy to put an ad in the personal columns. Hopper senses there are secrets surrounding Coral and Daniel's past.

41. Episode 41

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Holly and Gordon plan a holiday as Edwina plans her revenge. Dave asks an excited Shelley out on her first real date. Coral worries about Hopper's involvement with Daniel Blake.

40. Episode 40

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Coral and Hopper leave on their big date to the delight of Belinda and Frannie. Belinda and Frannie start to mend their relationship. Holly decides to meet Daniel head on and sort a few things out.

39. Episode 39

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Frannie feels down at her friends' behaviour and at her awkward relationship with her father. Coral has newfound respect for Hopper as he tells the story of Rachel. To Gordon's dislike, Holly spends more and more time with Daniel.

38. Episode 38

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37. Episode 37

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Edwina's attempt to get herself out of financial trouble lands her in a deeper mess. Tension in the Loman house peaks until Trish's decision to give Neville (and her family) another chance. Shelley's attempts to widen her circle of friends by having a dinner party starts badly, leaving Edwina in tears.

36. Episode 36

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Neville feels his position in the Loman house is shifting as Trish spends more and more time with her mate Darcy. Dean and Marty's video dating scam turns out to provide Belina with everything she thinks a first date should be. Edwina's first step toward the big time costs more than she bargained for.

35. Episode 35

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Daniel offers to have the contracts redrawn to ease Hopper's mind. Dave helps to dispel Shelley's feelings of homesickness. Dean learns the horrible truth about Neville as Trish shares an enjoyable night with Darcy.

34. Episode 34

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Discovering Dean's scam, Coral warns: Belinda better not get hurt. Holly accepts Daniel's fundraising offer, even though Gordon is upset. Neville starts to feel he is irrelevant in his own house.

33. Episode 33

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Dean's video scam pays off for him and Marty. Maurie tells Coral that when he's gone, the Bakery is hers. Daniel's attention towards Holly causes tension for her and Gordon.

32. Episode 32

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Hopper tells Coral it didn't work out between him and Rachel. Coral is furious when Maurie avoids the subject of Superannuation. After their eventful night, Zac warns Dave to tell Frannie how he feels.

31. Episode 31

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Edwina decides not to tell Zac about her lie to Gordon. Under pressure, Trish lets Neville come home on her conditions. Shelley stuns at work and when she's ready for her night on the town.

30. Episode 30

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Dean's scamming ways continue as he does a deal with Marty. Daniel donates six thousand dollars to the hospital. Gordon feels betrayed as Edwina admits lying about having sex with Zac.

29. Episode 29

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28. Episode 28

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Angered by Edwina's constant animosity, Gordon grounds her. Frannie expresses her hurt and anger at Neville and their relationship finds new ground. Hopper is feeling the pressure of his decision to stand by Rachel.

27. Episode 27

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Edwina worries about her date with Zac, knowing he's thinking of sex. Rachel moves in as Hopper feels his life has been upturned. Frannie finally agrees to see Neville in the hospital.

26. Episode 26

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25. Episode 25

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Daniel confronts Gordon about the letter to his mother. Coral hides her bitter disappointment about Hopper's news. Tired and desperate, Neville's car crashes as he rushes home to Trish.

24. Episode 24

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23. Episode 23

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22. Episode 22

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Trish is distressed about her decision as Karen explains to Frannie she knew nothing about her family. Holly and Edwina's hostility has reached breaking point. Gordon finds out about Marty's day of fun: it's time for a serious talk.

21. Episode 21

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As Marty and Shelley deal with their grief, Holly's anger towards Edwina has reached breaking point. Dave, Zac, and Dean pull off their pool scam. Trish discovers the reason for Frannie's outburst, which for Neville means the end of his marriage.

20. Episode 20

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19. Episode 19

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Holly and Shelley face their first day at the hospital since Jenny died. Despite not going as planned, Hopper and Coral enjoy their date. Frannie is horrified to learn her new teacher is Karen O'Reilly, her father's lover.

18. Episode 18

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17. Episode 17

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Neville arrives home to an angry Frannie: you disgust me. Shelly loses it wit Edwina and their relationship finds new ground. Despite the animosity, Zac takes the body of China to Daniel.

16. Episode 16

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Edwina, feeling outdone in her own house, plans a little revenge. Daniel makes good his order to have Zac fired. Frannie is torn as she struggles to know what to do about her dad.

15. Episode 15

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14. Episode 14

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13. Episode 13

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Exited and scared, COral faces the prospect of her first date in a long time. John has difficulty facing his feelings and the anguish of the kids. Neville does his best to get his way in how to spend Hopper's money.

12. Episode 12

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Holly lets her grief finally flow freely as Jenny says her final goodbyes and dies. Zac returns home. Despite being her competitor, Hopper touchingly offers Coral his support.

11. Episode 11

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10. Episode 10

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9. Episode 9

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8. Episode 8

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7. Episode 7

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Edwina does her best to make Holly feel unwelcome. Frannie's interest in Dave is increasingly hard to hide. No matter how hard Zac trie, things keep going wrong for him.

6. Episode 6

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5. Episode 5

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Frannie's green crusade against Maurie continues, but her victory is lessened by the constant presence of DAve. Trish's trusting of Neville is to be tested as he leaves on another trip. Coral's unusual behavior continues as Daniel's plans for revenge begin.

4. Episode 4

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3. Episode 3

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2. Episode 2

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Daniel has returned to claim his inheritance becoming a very rich man. Neville's homecoming sours with Trish's discovery of his infidelity. Edwina's hostility towards Holly deepens as she, Zac and Dean leave Echo Point for a big night in town.

1. Episode 1

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