6. Baby Ben Breaks the Internet

2020 - Season 1

Andy lets us into his new life as a dad, as he spends his day with son, Ben.

5. Cohen Back to Boston

2020 - Season 1

Andy heads to Boston to see John Hickey direct his BFF Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick in a new play.

4. All Things Must El Paso

2020 - Season 1

Andy spends one last weekend as John Mayer’s plus one before the arrival of Baby Ben.

3. Wacha Gonna Do-Do

2020 - Season 1

Andy lands the first post-prison interview with Teresa and Joe Giudice and introduces his son to the Real Housewives.

2. Hard Rock to Home Runs

2020 - Season 1

Andy kikis with a Kardashian and has a run in with Johnny Depp's security at a red carpet hotel opening.

1. My Fart Will Go On

2020 - Season 1

Andy is trapped in a cloud of embarrassment, as he covers up a faux paus during a WWHL interview with Celine Dion.

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