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Where to watch "Family Law"

10. The Chickens Come Home to Roost

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Carla gets some shocking DNA results.

9. Catch 22

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A woman with Alzheimer's is desperate.

8. When There's a Will

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Clients want their parents' respect.

7. Bass Fishing

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The lucrative Bass divorce is derailed.

6. When the Chip Hits the Fan

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Judge Chip Crombie has a heart attack.

5. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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Abby advises exhausted parents.

4. Play it Straight

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Abby helps an actor avoid being outed.

3. It's the End of the World as We Know It

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Abby represents an activist.

2. A River in Egypt

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A judge rules against Daniel's petition.

1. What Came First?

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Exes butt heads over an embryo.

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