9. A Waist-Down Ghost Town Shut Down

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With Trophy's help, billionaire Ref Mazos opens a Death Fulfillment Center in Fort Gator, putting local funeral homes like Tender Endings at risk.

7. A League of His Own

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Pete coaches an ultra-muscular fatherless little-league baseball team while Trophy tries to woo a wealthy serial widower.

6. Viva La Flappanista!

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Pete longs to restore his foreskin while Trophy and Annie get trapped in the deadly game of a dangerous fringe therapist.

5. CARS 4

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Pete has to drive a former mob limousine named Vic after totaling the hearse in a car accident.

3. Radio Frankenstein

No release date yet

As Trophy tries for viral video fame with her new butt-enhancing leggings, Baba fills in for a recently deceased morning-show DJ and Annie forms an unexpected friendship.

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