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Where to watch "Team Toon"

26. Creative Differences

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When Team Toon's latest Psycho Squirrel cartoon gets a negative comment on the internet, the gang begins fighting with one another. It's bad timing, too, since Wendell has come to them asking for help finding his imaginary friend James.

25. Sam The Daredevil

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Sam follows his lifelong dream of becoming a stuntman, but it soon creates a rift between him and Team Toon. When his busy shooting schedule threatens to cause him to miss Ash's birthday party, Dylan tries to get Sam's priorities straight.

24. Too Cool For Toons

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When a hip new kid Blaze shows up at Hutchinson, he lures Ash and Sam away from Team Toon, promising to make them cooler than ever. Dylan tries to fight cool with cool as he risks losing his friends to Blaze.

23. Ash Angry

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Ash is in a terrible mood, and Team Toon is only making it worse. When Ash's anger issues cause her to transform into an enraged monster, Dylan, Sam and Iko have to learn some counseling skills quick before Ash tears Hutchinson to the ground.

21. Time Capsule

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The students of Hutchinson are gathering items to bury in a time capsule. When Psycho Squirrel goes missing, Team Toon makes a horrible realization -- they accidentally locked Psycho Squirrel in the time capsule! They rush to save their friend from being locked up for a long, long time!

20. Safety Day

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It's safety day at school and Mr. Hamilton is driving Team Toon crazy with his endless list of safety rules. When Team Toon spots a mad scientist carrying a suspicious bag, they fear a horrible monster will be released during the school-wide safety assembly.

19. Spy Girl

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Just as Dylan goes on a spy novel kick, a mysterious foreign villainess named "Ynnej" hatches a scheme to detonate a stink bomb in the school. Team Toon rushes to foil her scheme and discover that Ynnej isn't who she appears to be.

17. Missing Skeleton

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The skeleton in the science classroom is stolen and Miss Faltine the science teacher is too shy to look for it. Team Toon offer their services, find the missing skeleton and even manage to find Miss Faltine a new friend.

16. Dog Days

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When Iko finds a tiny hair on his upper lip, Dylan suspects he's turning into a werewolf. Team Toon has to figure out how to reverse the werewolf transformation before Iko turns into a hairy slobbering monster forever!

14. Frenemies

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Much to the rest of Team Toon's horror, Ash has befriended Rebecca Riker, a manipulative popular girl who's widely known as the worst bully in school.

13. Chess

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Sam is in the chess tournament finals when he realizes one of his pieces is missing! Team Toon rushes to find it before Sam is forced to forfeit the match to his bitter chess rival, Boris!

12. Power Flower Counting

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Dylan's excited to show Team Toon his awesome new video game "Night of the Rattle Slugs" when he realizes his cartridge has somehow been swapped with a preschooler game called "Power Flower Counting."

11. Show And Tell

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When Dylan's crush loses her hamster on Show and Tell day, Team Toon searches the entire school for it. Will Dylan find the hamster and the key to his crush's heart?

10. The Hole In The Cup

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Team Toon is trying to enjoy some soda when they discover that all the cups have no bottoms! Dylan and the team head out to investigate who might be stealing the cup bottoms.

9. V Day

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Ash finds some mysterious red foil in her desk. Dylan thinks it's space age and might signal an imminent alien invasion.

8. Pink Gym Uniform

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Iko's gym clothes turned pink in the wash and his regular clothes are missing from his gym locker. The gang must find his clothes to spare Iko further humiliation.

7. Rival Webisode

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Dylan and the gang discover a rival webisode called Insanity Gopher created by the Goof Gang. The Goof Gang has stolen Team Toon's ideas and their thunder, but when Insanity Gopher gets out of control the Goof Gang comes to Team toon for help.

5. The Secret Room

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Team Toon hears spooky laughter coming from a mysterious locked door in school. Desperate to know what's so funny, they begin an investigation to figure out what's behind the door of this "secret room."

4. The Turkey

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Sam is starring as the turkey in the school play but his turkey costume is missing from his locker. Team Toon has to track down the costume before opening night or the show won't go on!

1. Game Time

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When Hutchinson's star basketball player goes missing, Team Toon investigates the case. Hutchinson's big homecoming game is coming up and they'll be helpless without their MVP!

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