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Where to watch "Psychic Kids"

7. Psychic Kids Investigates: the Lost Soul

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Nicole is a 17-year-old girl who communicates with spirits and is traumatized by them. She says the spirits want something from her but she doesn't know what that is.

6. Messages From the Dead: The Lizzie Borden Case

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Megan is a 15-year-old girl who receives messages from the dead but is terrified to deliver them to the loved ones of the spirits who speak to her.

5. The House of Spirits

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12-year-old Olivia is terrified by the dark spirits that haunt her home. She believes that her house is a portal for evil spirits.

4. Psychic Kids Investigates: the Disappearance

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15-year-old Alex has suffered physical attacks by negative spirits that have sent him to the emergency room.

3. Bloody Maryland

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Alana is a 13-year-old medical intuitive who is haunted by spirits wherever she goes. Psychic/Medium Chip Coffey and therapist Edy Nathan introduce her to Olivia.

2. Psychic Kids Investigates: The Lost Girl

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Brad is an 18-year-old boy who is tormented by evil spirits and dark premonitions that have come true. Brad's parents believe he is being summoned by the devil.

1. Banishing Evil

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12-year-old Nick is tormented by an evil spirit named Mr. Rosenberg. Since Rosenberg entered his life, Nick has been plagued by violent nightmares and physical attacks.

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