13. Escape

1980 - Season 2

Drama series set during the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands. April 1943. Peter Porteous takes advantage of the predicament of another farmer and makes a bid for freedom.

12. The Education of Nils Borg

1980 - Season 2

April 1943 in the Nazi-occupied Channel Islands. A neutral Swedish journalist arrives in Guernsey at the invitation of Goebbels to gather material for an article on what the Germans regard as a "model occupation".

11. From a View to a Death

1980 - Season 2

While working on the construction of a German gun site in Nazi-occupied Guernsey, a Russian prisoner of war kills a guard and escapes. But those who shelter him run terrible risks.

10. The Right Blood

1980 - Season 2

The visit by a high-ranking SS officer to Nazi-occupied Guernsey on a mysterious personal mission gives Reinicke a chance to ingratiate himself, but it brings tragedy for Betty Ridge.

9. War-Game

1980 - Season 2

In Nazi-occupied Guernsey the revival of the chess tournament between Channel Island teams brings about an unexpected and, in Richter's view, a highly inflammatory outcome.

8. Jealousy

1980 - Season 2

Hitler orders the deportation of all residents not born on the islands. Marjory Clifford writes an anonymous letter - with consequences far beyond her wildest imaginings.

7. The Raid

1980 - Season 2

September 1942 in the Nazi-occupied Channel Islands. On Sark a British commando raid shatters the uneasy calm.

6. Post Mortem

1980 - Season 2

His prison sentence completed, farmer Peter Porteous returns to Nazi-occupied Guernsey to settle an old score. But his encounter with Teddy Lupus leads to a murder charge - and a moral dilemma for Philip Martel.

5. Committee Man

1980 - Season 2

In Nazi-occupied Guernsey the islanders and the Germans have a problem in common. How can Dr Martel be persuaded to rejoin the island's Controlling Committee?

4. No Quarter Given

1980 - Season 2

The Germans order the confiscation of all privately-owned radio receivers, so the islanders are forced to hand over their precious link with the outside world. But Captain Foster-Smythe won't be bullied and continues his campaign against the Nazis - a campaign that is doomed to fail.

3. Angels That Soar Above

1980 - Season 2

Dr. Philip Martel returns from six months in a war prison but his reunion is soured by Clare's unresponsive condition. The Germans investigate treason in their own ranks, accusing Hauptmann Anders of conspiracy.

2. Reception for the General

1980 - Season 2

Foster-Smythe has replaced Martel on the civilian controlling committee. His attitude is dangerously cavalier.

1. Call of the Dead

1980 - Season 2

Dr Martel has been sent to a French prison. A new Commander-in-Chief has been appointed on Guernsey.

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